Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where Should my Farm's Entrance Face?

Many are confused that should their New farms Entrance Hole face the direction of Swiftlets leaving in the morning or the direction when they return back to their farms ( old successful farms) in the late evening.



What is your answer? Let’s put other factors such as sunlight, wind, compatibility, etc. aside and only considering the 2 above.



Well, I would prefer the direction facing the old farms (direction leaving in the morning). Others may have their own opinions by I would stick to this.



If your farm's entrance hole is facing the direction of the Swiftlets home coming route it would be hard for them to visit your new farm. If you had observed closely , during the home coming time from 7.00-7.45pm (depends on locations, areas, month, season, etc) Swiftlet would be at their rush hour heading towards their farms with speed as the daylight is getting dimmer. You would see thousand of them swamping in to few farms. In such situation its rarely that they would visit your farm as they are in rush.



If your new farm's entrance is facing the old farm (successful one) your entrance and CD sound could attract or promote about your new farm to swiftlets that are coming out from their farms in morning. In other words, the first external sound that they hear is your Cd sound of course coupled with the external sound of the existing farm.



Facing old farms has its advantage as before the rush hour there are also Swiftlets flying and playing above old farms if your Entrance hole is facing them it would attract them to your farm. Your tweeters have to face the old farms.



I would prefer entrance hole facing old successful farm but some may have different opinions. Whatever the decision is solely yours.



Good Luck!


