Got a surprise call this morning from one of my readers Mr T, who I had revamped his farms 5 months ago.
"Hi Mr.James. I'm T from Johor........Good Morning and many..many thank you!".
I was surprised "Oh, the very innovative fellow from South, How is your farm?".
Ai yo... I am more than satisfy. That is why I call you. I am very very happy. Now my nests have increased from 20 after 3 years to 54 within 5 months. Come and visit me again I can not wait to show you. All expenses don't worry I will "kow Tim"....come..come.. make sure you come..ok..ok...promise...?
Then the conversation goes on and I advised him how to push the increment further.
I was speechless and obliviously happy. I was happy to hear the achievement in my reader's farm especially the farms that many have gave no hope of turning it around. It had been revamped before by few well known consultants but it didn't show any positive sign.
There are many instances owners gave up and sold their farms away as they see it as unsalvageable. I was wondering are they making the right decision? Do they have the right knowledge or the skill to make such decision or merely wanting to get out. How do they know that their farms are usavageable? If they were so sharp then it won't be a failed farm.
It is uncommon that many had sold their farms with relieve and a year or two later to discover that the farms they had sold are some of the best in town.
There were few cases where the previous owner called me for advise of the price that he should offer the new owner after a year when he deposed of his farm.
And I had commonly heard " That farm that collected many many kgs of nest per every 3 weeks was previously owned by me" . Then why do you sell it? The reply was " Ah Ya, I made mistake loh, Last time 300 gram also don't have & no improve so I sell cheap-cheap lah, now regret lah"
I believe all farms can be turned around all one has to do is to find out the cause of problem. If you don't know then it is hard.
Make sure you find someone that knows about revamp farm otherwise it would do more harm that good.
So I will be leaving for Johor soon to see it myself. I am glad that I had helped Mr.T otherwise he may be one of those that intended to depose off farm.
For those whose farms are not doing well you may contact me : 012-317-3811
Good Luck.