Friday, April 30, 2010

Internal Sound Is Important!

(nests built around tweeter )

(hypnotism in working, in no time there will be a nest at the tweeter)

(nest built on top of tweeter)

(a young bird couldn't resist a good Internal sound)

Like I had always said be observant because it would help you to become a better Swiftlet farmer.

If it is not all I would say most would think that Internal sound is not as important as External. I am sure the old timers would advise not to change the internal sound or leave it as it is. They would only encourage the External sound to be changed periodically.

I am sure many had not changed their Internal sounds or as often as they did for their External sound. I can’t blame them, to them Internal sound is not something they could see instantly unlike the External sound. The moment the External sound is changed if they found the right sound many birds would come and play. Here they could judge the effect… it is an instant effect that the eyes could judge but does number of birds count?

Aren’t we here for the nests in the farm? Or we are here merely for the excitement of birds coming to play? I guess you farmers all should ask yourself this question.

Thru my experience in Swiftlet farming, Swiftlets spend more time listening to internal sound than External sound. External sound attracts them to come and play thereafter it is all about Internal sound. Once the swiftlets passed the entrance hole and in the Roving area the most important sound taking over its job is the internal sound. Therefore you would see many dropping beneath the internal tweeters as its accumulated the nest base formation would be seen. So from here how could we say External sound is more important than internal sound unless we’re all here to see birds rather than wanting nests?

I guess this is the least talk or written about amongst those who sell External and Internal sound. Perhaps this is because of Market driven demand, Customers want it suppliers just supply them. Customers want to see birds’ suppliers let them see birds.

Or perhaps they are clueless about Internal sound and the importance of its contents. What should be recorded and included in the internal sound? How many sequences of female sound craving to mate should be included? How many type of low and high craving sound of a chick? What is the required frequency? (Internal sound frequencies differ from External sound frequency) and so on……All these would justify a good Internal sound.

Often we would see new young birds that are matured which ready to mate would hang on the Internal tweeters in the farm. There’re so obsessed with the sound (if you have the correct and right sound) their natural instinct influenced them craving to mate and to make nests. That is why most if not all the new nest formations in new farm are on top of the tweeters, around the tweeters, at the tweeters, etc. Why it is not made at the External sound tweeters in the farm? Think about it.

This clearly indicated a good Internal sound are extremely essential in farm to help fast nests growth. We are not talking about those common Internal sounds that you could get from friends, consultants or even thru the web.

If you are using a good External sound make sure your Internal sound is twice better than the External sound otherwise you see lots of birds but not nests formations.

I had visited countless of failed farms one thing I noticed there are many farms sharing the same internal sound. Perhaps there bought it from the same person. There is no uniqueness and often the sound is of poor recording quality.

Making it worst when the large number of tweeters blasted out the sound all one could hear is distortion sound. The larger the number of tweeters, the sound of the female, chick, etc all can’t be heard clearly other than just pure loudness. It is not easy to differentiate between distortions and loudness. In order to differentiate them one needs to understand the frequency of Swiftlet sound recording.

There is one incident in Kuantan where I was invited to visit a farm (I had written about it in my previous article). There were more than 300 tweerters in a floor of a farm of 20x70ft. Cited the owner a so called sound expert advised him to install as many tweeters as possible. Per every each s/f should have one tweeter if possible. I was shocked to see that.

I advised him to reduce them by at least 70 % and after 2 months the new Swiftlets dropping increased tremendously. Increasing the number of Tweeters, Increase the number of Swiftlet farms, increasing the number Amp and so on won’t make you a successful farmer? The answer is definitely NO!

It is the contents of the Internal sound that counts. There are so much more to learn…..

I am doing some new internal sounds that enhance nests growth. Those who are interested may call me: 012-3173811.

Hope the above would give some ideas about Internal sound.

Good Farming All!.