Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Height of the Pole of the Hex Tweeter.

What is the Ideal height of the pole of a Hexagonal tweeter? This is a commonly asked question and I still find many have doubted about the appropriate height.

Does it matter? Yes it does. If the pole is too high most of the birds would concentrate playing at the Hex without making afford to enter the farm. Often you would see many birds come to play but few would enter the farm.

Subsequently if the pole is to short then the effectiveness of the Hex tweeter is not being utilized. The lower the Hex tweeter being placed the sound from it would not reach far.

A pole height of 3-5 ft would be good depends on any structure around the farm or the entrance hole. The pole has to be stiff so that it wouldn’t wobble when there is strong wind. When it wobbles birds hate them.

There are many types of Hex tweeters, some are available in shops and it can be DIY if you are good in handicraft.

The criteria is, it must be made long lasting because it is high on the roof and you won’t be going up there often and it is not easy to go up to the roof.

Most important it must be water resistant. This depended on how it’s being made. Here it needs one intelligent to imagine the consequences of the rain, sunshine, wind, etc. But 90% of those that DiY couldn’t last more than 3 months.

Most commonly seen ones are those that the tweeters are fixed (nailed) directly onto a piece of wood they picked up from the rubbish bin. Then nailed a piece of asbestos on top of it. After few seasons of rain and shine the asbestos already blow away by the wind leaving the tweeters exposed to the rain and the sun.

You won’t be surprised to see Swiftlet farms that cost ten of thousand to build are using such Hex tweeters (asbestos). Where is the logic?

So if you want to Diy make sure it could last at least 2 years.

Good Swiftlet Farming All. Sharing is the Best.

If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you dream it, you can become it.
William Arthur Ward

Tel: James 012-3173811