Friday, December 3, 2010

Hot Roof and Ceilling Is Killing Your Swiftlet Farm. How to Solve it.

( all ceilling removed to make way for insulation material)

Heat and high temperature in farm is caused by poor renovation of the roof and ceiling. Often most didn’t install heat insulation material on the roof or ceiling. This happened particularly for farms that are renovated by consultants. Reason being to save cost, secondly mentality problem “not necessary”.

No point of putting a hygrometer (digital type) in the farm at eye level. It would still indicate 28 or 29 c while the ceiling heat could reach 32c or more. Hot air rises and the ceiling is the hottest place in the farm. This hottest place is the place where birds build their nests. So ceiling is the most important place and can’t be taken likely. So if there is no nest probably the ceiling is the problem.

The best is to use a sensor gun to check the temperature on the ceiling. The gun enables us to check all areas and corners even places that are high and hard to reach.

Therefore if you have a farm you should own a sensor gun. If you could invest few hundred thousand in a Swiftlet farm, it doesn’t make sense you can’t afford a sensor gun for Rm 220.00 and let your few hundred thousand investments sit there and rot without nests.

There are so many insulation materials in the market from sand and brick to bubble foil and Styrofoam. There is even paint that could reduce the heat but I don’t buy that idea because it could only reduce mere few percent which is not significant enough.

Hot air traps in the roof would find gaps in between roof and farm and penetrated thru these gaps and escaped into the farm thus making it hot. If the renovation is not done with good workmanship and without the understanding of the after effect then no matter how thick or how advance the insulation material is it would not bring down the temperature drastically.

If you understand the heat concept even with primitive way the temperature of the ceiling could be brought down. Have you heard of farm using the Padi husk as insulation material for ceiling? Yes many of our neighboring countries are using this method and they managed to reduce their farm’s temperature.

Of cos we don’t need to use Padi Husk as we have so many types of insulating material at our disposal.

Check on those old Swiftlet book you would know what I mean. So it is a matter of not what you use. It is how you understand them and make the best out of them to your advantage.

Therefore farm that uses the best material the most advance and expensive gadget may not guarantee success unless the builder himself knows what he is doing.

Always remember you are building a Suceesful Swiftlet farm not just a swiftlet farm.

There are already 80% just a swiftlet farm in Malaysia and they don’t need you to contribute to this figure.

Good Swiftlet farming All! The Best is To Share.

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”
- Peter Drucker