Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Swiftlet Farming in Town Area

( ground floor has business activities)
( Ground floor fully utilised unlike Standalone)

(most ground floor has business activities)

(the smaller one)

( another big one coming up will be completed soon)

(the smaller one)

( most ground floor could generate income.This is one of the advantages))

It seems that the trend now is going big and huge in town area, not in plantation anymore. Definitely having a Bh in town has more benefits and advantages than building one at the plantation. They are huge some are 20x100f occupying 2-4 shop lots of 3 storey. That would give them approximately total of 42 000 sf.

In the center of a town the ground floor could fetch good rental and no worries about thief and predators and so on. The ground floor could generate good income to cover or subsidize the bank installment if the property is financed by banks. In fact, some of these buildings are doing this. Electricity, water and road infrastructures are always a problem for Stallone (S.A) but not for those Bhs in town area.

All they have to do is making sure the buildings are properly done and no eye sore and no complain. Most are beautifully done and it doesn’t looks like a Bh at all. For those who are not into Swiftlet farming they would never notice that these beautiful huge buildings are Bhs.

It may not be surprised that the people from the town councils may not notice either. It is beautiful, clean, no noise pollution then what is there to complain about.

To these guys “GAHP” doesn’t exist at all. They don’t play the same game like most. There are successful Swiftlet farmers who came in with huge capital. The different between these guys and those who failed badly are attitude problems.

With all afford, they really make sure that their buildings don’t look like Bhs. If fact theirs buildings or Bhs beautify the town in such case whose doesn’t encourage more of such building in town area. It contributes to the economy and all parties benefited. There is no such thing like no plastering external walls, no window or few windows to save cost. They even add more windows so that the building looks more like normal office block. All are painted beautifully, no such things as saving on painting cost.

Those who have attitude problems are those that squeeze the building cost to maximum until not enough sand for plastering the external walls.

Sometimes, I wonder is successful in Swiftlet farming is measured by the cost of the renovation and the cost of constructing the building? Is that means the cheaper the building cost the more successful the Bh would be in future or Swiftlets actually like ugly shabby Bhs? If that is the case then 90% of the Bhs would be successful and 10% failed. Sad to say so it is the opposite 90% failed and 10% success.

If all Bh owners could emulate all these big guys attitudes then there would be no such thing called the GAHP and all won’t need to be toll by the nose by the guidelines.

So it is all about attitude. It is not how rich or how big is the Bhs. If the owner’s attitudes suck then even Swiftlets won’t want to stay and make nests in his Bh. Swiftlets have a kind of instinct. A shabby Bhs won’t attract many birds perhaps 20 years ago when there were only few Bhs around. At that time even chicken coops could attract Swiftlets to stay but now no more.

I met up with some of these big guys last week and we discussed about huge Bhs regarding Standalones and those Bhs in town area. We agree that the Standalone takes longer period to have nests. While chit-chatting one of them jokingly said “Brother, never heard people say Bird’s Eye meh!. Of course beautiful Bhs attract more birds. Stallone where got beautiful..ha..ha..ha..”

To a point I may agree with him. “Bird’s Eye”.

Enjoy the pictures.

Good Swiftlet farming All. The Best is To Share.

James could be contact at 012-3173811.