Sunday, May 15, 2011

Adorable Swiftlet in my SWIFTLET FARM

This is a picture of a beautiful Swiftlet flying in a circle in one of my swiftlet farms. To take this shot it is not easy. But after many attempts I managed to capture this beautiful picture and it is one of my favourite.

He is probably looking at me when I click my camera's shutter. For those who are new and yet to know how to differentiate between many species of swiftlets, this would be a good picture for identification.

There is no white rump at the back. Those that have white rump are Apus-apus which many called them grass swift. The color is much deeper and darker.

For the Edible Birds Nest swiftlet, it is brownish in color having heavier tone on its back and lighter at the chest. They are smaller in size and definitely much cutier than the Apus-apus.

I love them there are really adorable. How could those Thieves kill them when stealing their nests.

That happened to one of my friends Swiftlet farm. I would post the picture later.

Good Swiftlet Farming All. James can be contacted at 012-3173811.