Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birds Test With Stress Sound.

Another Interesting email from a reader asking advice on sound testing...In fact he already knew that the Stress sound is undoubtedly the best sound for location testing and yet he couldn’t trust himself. Well below is the email from Mr. K.

My advice for those who wanted to conduct birds test please stick to the basic. In Swiftlet farming we don’t need fancy ideas (from sound testing to Bh construction).What we want are results and ideas that work not fancy ideas that merely for satisfying others people opinion. I guess this would be useful for those who wanted to do a birds test

Email from Mr.K

Hi James,

If I use external sound to conduct bird test, will the swiftlet attracted? Frankly speaking, I have tried with external sound to test bird population but it seems like not as good as Stress sound. Just a few birds cycling around the sound. Is it normal? Or else, what external sound must use at BH? Need your expertise to advice.



My reply

Dear Mr.K,

You already have the answer yourself why still ask? U already knew stress sound is for testing why wanted to use external sound?

"Frankly speaking, I have tried with external sound to test bird population but it seems like not as good Stress sound."

Thank you


Email from Mr.K again

Hi James,

Because some people mentioning that the result of stress sound might be not so accurate. Other alternative more effective which is used external sound. This method will roughly tell you how many birds will fly to your BH when start to play the sound. That why I would like to seek for advice for confirmation.




*Note: How many Birds would fly to the Bh when operated that would rely on how the Bh have been designed, the size and the location of the entrance hole, the type of External/Internal sound and tweeters use, the positioning of the tweeters and so on. Wouldn’t this is more logical?*

Good Swiftlet Farming All!

