Thursday, January 12, 2012

“Who says too many Bhs now and it is hard to do a successful Swiftlet farm?”

“Who says too many Bhs now and it is hard to do a successful Swiftlet farm?”

This was the question blasted at me by my reader who called yesterday. I was muted.

“James I have started my 2nd Swiftlet farm for almost 2 months now. There are 30 + spots of Birds’ dropping and the patches are getting bigger and bigger. I would see some nests in a month time. I am running out of Love Potion please send it by today so that I could use it this weekend.”

Mr.G from Mentakab has impressive result after using Love Potion in his 1 st Bh. He is a regular user of Love potion. His 1st Bh has been using Love Potion since 2009. The number of nest now is four digits. There are not less than 8 Bhs in the same roll of the 4 storey shop lot where his 1st Bh is Located. Obviously his Bh is the best among all. Best of all his neighbors started theirs before his.

It is in the Middle of the towns that have many Bhs. It is a War Zone. In such places winner takes all loser left with nothing. Those who know what to do would prefer such places because they could lure young Birds from Bhs around there. If one could lure others Bh’s young birds and keep their existing birds he would be the king. In order to do this you must know what to do.

I have visited Mr.G’s Bh in 2009 and I did write about it. I’ve advice him to use Love potion and he was the first few who poured Love potion in to the humidifiers and now he is still doing it. In fact after using Love Potion for the first month he calls me and asks why there are so many white watery patches of droppings on the floors. He was curious as he had not seen this before. I told him that could be young birds that had visited your Bh. Now after 3 years of continuous using of Love potion Mr.G’s Bh is one of the top in that town.

(Love potion has the ability to attract young birds to stay and to make nests and promote fast nests growth)

“Sifu James thanks for your advice and guidance. Yesterday I’ve visited a friend’s Bh which had operated for 1 year, there is only 1 small patch of dropping. I had hinted to him to use Love Potion but he doesn’t listen as he is using other type of Hormones. So I just kept quiet and let him learn the hard way.”

Mr. G’s new Bh is just located few blocks away from his current Bh. I had asked him why didn’t he invest in other places since he already had a successful Bh here. His reply was, “I know the techniques here and I know what the birds here wants. I can lure them to my Bhs with the help of your Love potion and the Gs and Hypnotic sound.”

He is brilliant, a smart guy, he has finally learned. This is way to do it I strongly agree with him.

He also questioned me… “James what did you record in your powerful sound?As he could see from the CCTV that young birds glued to the tweeters. “That is a secret..ha.ha..ha I replied”.

Mr.G told me that he won’t tell his friends or advice them what to do or to use Love potion until he see them “cry till no more tears”.

I asked him why? He replied, “Let them learn the hard way and after that they will appreciate it. I have started with knowing nothing .No one came and advice me all kept it a secret until I met you Sifu James.”

Now Mr.G is talking few years back he can’t even differentiate between Internal and external sound. Now he knows so much about Swiftlet farming and could advice others….only when he sees them “crying till no more tears” . He got a point here I guess by this way a person would learned and remember it for life. If knowledge and skills come too easy people just don’t appreciate it.

I am very happy to know that Love potion and the GS sound had helped many Bhs and hope those who had succeeded would continue to help and advice others.

Brilliant work Mr.G….

Good Swiftlet Farming All!