Friday, February 10, 2012

How To Get Rid of Fungus? What is Fungus & Why They're On The Nesting Planks?

The Swiftlet farm internal environment which is high in Humidity and temperature is most suitable for fungi to grow. Due to this Nesting Planks in Bh are subject to attack and degradation by fungus, mold and insects.

These organisms attack in many ways, some utilizing wood substances for food, some using for shelter, etc. This suitable environment in the Swiftlet farm creates habitats that support the growth of the organisms.

We must understand the nature of these wood attack organisms and its habitats to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Fungi are the major cause of wood degradation. Once the Planks are infested by fungi it would be difficult for the Swiftlet Saliva to stick onto the planks surface. Fungi could change the physical and chemical properties of the wood, thus reducing its strength and producing odors that disliked by Swiftlets.

( close-up picture of fungi)

( white mold)

Type of Fungi

Planks inhabiting fungus can be divided into 2 major groups, depending on the damage they cause.

1) Planks decaying fungi (wood rotting fungi)

2) Planks staining fungus (sap staining fungi, molds)

All fungi produce spores (little tiny seeds) that are distributed by wind and water. In the Swiftlet farm the Humidifiers that produce find mist helps to distribute them. The spores can infect nesting Planks in Swiftlet farms.

Fungi Environments

In order for the Fungi to produce spores and grow the basic requirement are:

1) Favorable temperature range from 12C- 33C. The optimum is about 21C-33C which the Swiftlet farm internal condition is the best place for fungi to grow.

2) Adequate moisture. (Dry condition, fungi will not attack dry wood or planks ie: with moisture content of 19% or less) Decay fungi require wood moisture content of about 30%(the generally accepted fiber saturation point of wood)Thus air-dried woods which used by many usually has high moisture. Klin-Dried (KD) wood has moisture content less than 15% considerable safe from fungal damage.

3) Adequate Oxygen: Most fungi can’t live in water saturated wood.

Mold Fungi

These fungi become noticeable as white, yellow, black, fussy or powdery surface growths on the plank surface. The color spores they produce can usually be brushed or washed off. This can be noticeable in during warm and humid environment. Mold can increase the capacity of wood to absorb moisture thus increasing the potential of attack by decay fungi.

( Nesting Planks infested with fungus.The Planks turned white with powdery surface.)


In order to reduce the effects of fungi the environment has to be changed to prevent high humidity and high temperature but it is impossible for Swiftlet farm which requires high humidity for nests quality. Therefore proper ventilation is needed (vent recommended 1 s/f of vent for every 150-300 s/f area.) This creates cross-ventilation if unmanageable would affect the nests growth and birds ‘population.

( Swiftlet will avoid making nests on these white powdery Nesting planks.)

What you can do:

For those planks that had been infested by fungi there are few options:

1) Correcting the fungus condition, to determine the source of moisture and eliminate it if possible. (It is hard to do that as high humidity is the essential of Swiftlet farming).

2) All infested Planks should be removed and replace with new planks. (It will be costly and many of you won’t want this option. At the same time the new plank installation will affect Swiftlets that already stayed).

3) Use LP Fungus & Mold Killer which is well suited for fungus control because it is non-toxic, biodegradable, Swiftlet & environment friendly and safe for Swiftlets. It is easy to apply, long lasting and effective against both fungi and wood destroying insects. Part of its success in control of fungi grow can be attribute to its high solubility in water and its advance manufacturing technology(USA NANO-Biotechnology).It is antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal.

(The New LP Fungus & Mold Killer. The Solution to your Fungus infested Nesting Planks. Kills Fungi effectively.)

Most importantly, must be able to identify the sign of fungus & mold on nesting planks and apply the LP Fungus & Mold Killer to prevent it from further grow and spreading to other planks. The infested plank must be treated immediately to prevent it from spreading.

Good Swiftlet Farming All!

LP FUNGUS & MOLD KILLER Available Now! Call us at 012-3173811. Or get from all Swiftlet Farming Equipments Shops around your area.