Dear All Readers and Friends from Vietnam,
I will be in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam this coming end of May to visit my agent and some good friends there. Also shall be giving a talk on "How To Use LOVE POTION Effectively" and on " Swiftlet Sound".
Friends and readers from Vietnam who are interested to attend this talk can contact Mr.Dung of
It has been a long time since my last visit many years ago. I had delayed my visit many times due to my busy schedule. I had promised Mr.Dung since last year and I have to keep my promise, so this coming end of May I have to be there.
I would like to meet you all as much as you would like to meet me. If you want to know more please contact Mr.Dung : 098 3535 195
Thank you all.
Good Swiftlet Farming All.
這個5月底,我將會到越南,胡志明市拜访我的代理和那裡的一些好朋友。 並且同時也會在那裏給一個小小的講座會 "如何有效地使用Love Potion" 還有 "燕子的聲音"。
感兴趣出席這次講座會的越南朋友和讀者,可以联系Dung先生,或者 。
我上回去越南的時候已經是好多年的时间了。 我已經延遲了我的拜訪好多次了,由于我繁忙的日務。 我從去年已經許諾了Dung先生和我必須保留我的諾言,因此,這個5月底我必須在那裡。
我希望可以見到大家,就好像大家希望見到我一样多。 如果您想知道更多請与Dung先生联系: 098 3535 195
Công ty Dung Phi Yen xin kinh chao quy khach!
Nhung nguoi hoat đong trong nghe yen, chac đa it nhieu nghe toi va co dung qua san pham dung dich LOVE POTION mui bay đan cho chim yen.
Dung dich LOVE POTION thuc su đa đem lai hieu qua, giup nhieu nha thu hut chim yen ve o sau mot thoi gian dai that bai, cung nhu giup nhieu nha yen đa thanh cong lai thanh cong hon nua.
Mot so ky thuat lam nha yen hien nay, cung nhu cac thiet bi nha yen: Loa, am ly, dao lay to… cung bat nguon tu nhung kinh nghiem quy bau cua cha đe LOVE POTION
Nguoi đo chinh la MR JAMES đen tu Malaysia.
Cong ty Dung Phi Yen la mot nha đoi tac than thiet voi Mr James nen cong ty đa moi MR JAMES qua Viet Nam.
Nhan dip nay, Mr James se danh cho khach hang cua cong ty 2 tieng đong ho đe tro chuyen, giai đap thac mac ve Love Potion, he thong am thanh…
Vi so luong cho ngoi co han, ( 20 cho) cong ty danh 5 cho cho khach hang than thiet nhat cua Cong ty Dung Phi Yen. So luong con lai 15 nguoi se danh cho nhung ai mua 1 chai Love
Potion ke tu ngay 15/5 toi ngay 20/5 hoac cho toi khi het so luong cho ngoi.
Buoi noi chuyen se đuoc to chuc vao ngay 30 thang 05 nam 2012 luc 14 gio.
Đia điem se đuoc thong bao truc tiep tren trang website cua cong ty Dung Phi Yen: va
Mr Dũng: 098 3535 195
Good Swiftlet Farming All.