Swiftlet Farming is one of the most potential Agro related business. This Swiftlet Farming Blog was created to reveal and expose the insight of Swiftlets farming. Swiftlets farming is viable in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia,Cambodia,Myanmar, Laos, Philippine and Brunei
WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets


More Powerful Than Before. Leading In Hormone Aroma 比以前更加強大。在激素香氣中領先.
Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam

Explaining how to use Love Potion effectively to increase Nests & Birds Population to user of Love Potion

Want your new farm to have many birds to stay and to build nests in the shortest period of time.Use LOVE POTION. It has the odor ( hormone) that makes birds get into mating mood.It also helps to increase birds population of old farm.For those farms that the numbers of nests has not increased the Love Potion would help. It is so powerful that even without the Nesting Planks the Swiftlets still eager to stay and make nests. The above picture shows most birds are in pair. It indicates that most are in mating mood. Interested email swifjames@yahoo.com. TESTED & PROVEN! Only limited quantity available. 要您的新燕屋農場有許多燕子停留和修造窝在最短的时期。用Love Potion。 它的氣味(激素)能令燕子有交配的心情。它也幫助增加旧的燕屋農場增加燕子群。能為那些燕窝数量未增加的燕屋農場也能使用Love Potion来幫助增加。 是很有強力的甚而沒有板條燕子也很熱切的停留和做窝。 上面的圖片展示多数燕子是一對一對的。 它表明多數的燕子是有交配的心情。 感興趣的请发電子郵件swifjames@yahoo.com。 已被測試和被证明的! 存货有限。For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com

The New Packing Swiftlet farming Love Potion is in 2 liter bottle with security sealed sticker at the cap. The New bottle is specially designed for convenience and easy use with Sprayer Gun. Remove cap and lock on Sprayer Gun and it’s ready to use.No hassle of pouring into Spray Pump and it saves money, you don’t need to buy Spray Pump. The purchase of every 2 bottles comes with a free industry grade powerful Sprayer Gun that could spray up to a distance of 10-12 ft. Designed to reach the ceiling, planks, entrance hole, inter-hole and the high roving area.To get the New Love Potion please contact James: 012-3173811 or email: swifjames@yahoo.com 新Love Potion的包裝是一個2公升瓶,有安全密封的貼紙在瓶蓋上。 它比早先的包裝更多500ml。 (如果安全密封是破壞,千萬不要購買) 。2公升瓶是特地為方便和容易使用而设计的,它有噴霧槍。除去瓶蓋,然後鎖上噴霧槍就可以立即使用。 再也不必麻煩的把Love Potion倒入其他浪花泵浦,而且它也不浪費金錢,您不需要再買一個浪花泵浦。 凡購買2瓶,就送一個工業級有強力的噴霧槍。這個噴霧槍可以噴洒到距離10-12英尺的地方。 它是特地為噴到天花板、板條、入口孔、互連孔和高的環繞區而設計的。要買到新的Love Potion,請与James斯联系: 012-3173811或電子郵件:For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com
Swiflet Farm Using Love Potion together with Gs-9/Hypno-5
SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)

A Powerful Hormone Aroma specially formulated to increase birds’ population and nests growth for New and Old Swiftlet farms. The scent helps to retain young birds & attract them stay and make nests. Tested and Proven since 2008. Trusted and used by Swiftlet farms throughout South East Asia. Use immediately after every harvest. Effectively repels unfavorable smell in Bh. Invented by Swiftlet farmer for Swiftlet farms. Packing: 2ltr. Free Spray gun for every purchase of 2 bottles. Call: 012-3173811. 有強力的荷爾蒙芳香特別地為新和舊的燕屋農場增加燕子的群和燕窩的成長而啓發的。 它的氣味幫助保留小的燕子和 吸引它們逗留並且做燕窩。自2008年以來就已被測試和证明。 被東南亞各地的燕屋農場信賴和使用。 在每個收穫之後的立刻使用。 有效的排斥在燕屋農場裏不被喜愛的氣味。由養燕人爲養燕人發明的。 包裝:2ltr. 凡買2瓶就送一個噴霧槍。 打電話: 012-3173811.
从Love Potion 的用户
今天早上我從運輸者受到了5箱的Love Potion。 我是非常擔心Love Potion没货的。
谢谢您保證我的订单在週末之前到達。 我的工人需要在收穫以後使用它的。
在用Love Potion以后燕窝增加了。 我未曾看过這樣巨大的增加在燕窝的公斤量。
當您再回來太平时請打电话给我。 我要请您吃晚餐,並且进一步談論關於燕窝出口和贸易。
Y.先.......... ..... ......
燕窝處理和貿易商 .
1) Spray on planks turn Spray nozzle to MIST SPRAY.1-3 burst is good enough for planks especially at the corner boards. / 噴灑在木板上,把噴灑頭鑽成噴霧,按1-3 次就夠了,特別是在壁角板上.
2) Spraying on wall 1-2 ft below nesting planks turn Spray nozzle to sharp spray. Spray zigzag lines as you walk. Let the it drips from the walls. Spray at Roving area, Nesting area, Inter-holes, entrance holes, (80% on walls 20% on Planks) / 噴灑在牆壁上,在木板1-2尺之下,把噴灑頭鑽成噴尖。一直走一直噴。讓它慢慢滴下來。也噴在環繞區,造窩區,互聯洞,入口洞,(80%噴在牆壁,20%噴在木板)
3) Spray after each harvest or after your have entered the farm. 在在每次收穫之後噴或者每一次您進入燕屋農場之後
4) Pour into Humidifier (chicken coop type) 也可以倒入噴霧機 (雞寮性)
5) If you can’t finish 1 bottle for 1 floor it means you have not sprayed enough.1 bottle good for 1400sf 如果您在一層樓用不完一瓶那就是說您噴的不夠。一瓶是足夠1400方尺
6) Shake bottle well before use. 把瓶子搖均勻才用
7)DO NOT MIX WATER (do not dilute) 不必參水 (不可以彫稀)
8)Use once every 3 weeks. 每三的星期用一次
New Hypnotic Sound " Gezillion Star" Interested to have this Sound Call 012-3173811
燕屋設計、屋内环境、aroma、光度、飛行道, 间接等等是否正確?
讓我帮助和勸告您如何解決您的問題, 成为一个完美和燕子喜歡的燕屋農場。 我將教您如何解決問題和改正差錯。因此,今后當您碰见任何燕屋農場問題时,您將會解決它。
B-52 External Sound
Friday, September 30, 2011
NEW External Sound GS-11新的外声GS-11
新的外声现在出炉了“GS-11 (Galaxy)". 一个非常有力的外声。在燕屋农场被实验过。 结果是。。。。
I don,t want to brag about it. Those who had used the GS collection know what I mean.
Sorry no 30 seconds or 1 minute test because good sound is all about how it's being made not how it's being tested.
Good Swiftlet farming All!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Swiftlet farm Revamped & Redesigned
This video was recorded by my reader who is also a friend of mine. It was recorded 1 month after revamp.
He was new in Swiftlet farming but bravely built this Bh with the help of few friends. He thought it was easy. After switched on the sound barely few birds came and play every day. 3 months after that still the same. He tried all ways which he knows to attract the birds but failed.
He waited and waited with worries and don’t know what to do.
Later he consulted me for advice. When I look at the Farm there were so many problems. Worse of all he doesn’t know the underlying problems. I explained to him and asked him to do what is necessary or else no point of waiting.
I revamped and re-designed the whole internal and the entrance hole. This included:
*Partitioning (removing & adding)
*Sound System
*Tweeter arrangement
*Removed the Black paint
*and many more ( a list of them)
And the result was….unbelievable.
He was very happy with the result and wanted to know what should he do the next step to avoid costly mistake.
I told him, record down all the activities eg: droppings, nests marking, etc and I will advise the next step.
One step at a time…my friend. There are so much more to learn.
Enjoy the Video.
Good Swiftlet farming All!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Love Potion在胡志明市越南。
Love Potion在胡志明市越南。
對于那些想要在越南買到Love Potion的人,可以到上述的商店。
在161B/62-64 Lạc Long Quân để mua. Nếu cần thêm thông tin chi tiết xin vui lòng liên hệ Mr Dũng: 098 3535 195。
Tran 先生/Dung是我的好朋友。 他是一位年輕又聰明並且在現代化的燕屋農場有很好的技術。
在越南的燕屋農場,因爲有Love Potion可以有很好以及難以想像和可信的結果。 他們所談論的是上千的燕窩而且是在一個非常短的时間内。
自己去發現並且找Dung先生或Tran談話。 如果您幸运,他也許會與您分享Love Potion的秘密。
*Love Potion最強有力的芳香*
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

161B/62-64 Lạc Long Quân để mua. Nếu cần thêm thông tin chi tiết xin vui lòng liên hệ Mr Dũng: 098 3535 195.
Or contact Mr. Tran/Dung.
Mr Tran/Dung is a good friend of mine. He is young and intelligent and have good skills in Modern Swiftlet farming.
The Swiftlet Farms in Vietnam are doing extremely well with Love Potion with unimaginable and believable results. They are talking about thousand of nests in a very short period of time.
Go and find out and talk to Mr. Tran/Dung. He may share the secret of Love Potion with you if you are lucky.
Good Swiftlet farming all!
*Love Potion the Most powerful Aroma Available*
Monday, September 26, 2011
催眠-6號-(LP.12) 内聲縂于出來了.
「強而有力的催眠6號 (LP.12)」
結果是非常意想不到的。 它是特別地調整並且從新被混合來幫助快速的燕窩成長和鼓勵小的燕子停留。
我經常從我的讀者聽到許多顧問声称外聲比內聲重要。 並且他們說所有的內聲都是相同的。
別讓他們的解釋唬弄了。 有多少的他們是真正地瞭解燕子的聲音?
燕子下蛋的聲音是怎麼樣的? 公燕子和母燕子有交配心情的聲音又是如何?兇猛的公燕子在土地佔領的聲音又是如何? 那麽燕子感得安全和叫其他燕子进入燕屋農場的聲音?….等等。
外聲音是用來叫燕子,吸引它們來玩和进入入口洞。 當內聲是爲了說服它們停留和做窩。 答復是兩個都是同樣重要的。
您需要兩個來完成100%。 它是非常簡單的「如我總是說您不必須是天才來了解這些事」。所有的東西都是在平衡,這就是我所說得穩定的環境情况,這也包括了伴音的系统。 內部聲音也是穩定燕屋農場的環境情况的其中一部分。 设想開始一個新的燕屋農場,不有用聲音,然後看看會发生了什么?大概20-30年前您可能可以這樣做,但是現在就不行了。
例如:燕屋農場有非常好的濕度平均85%,沒有大的波動,但是它的溫度卻是在中午35度和在晚上35度。 您認爲這個燕屋農場可以吸引燕子嗎?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hypnotic-6-(LP.12) Internal Sound Is Out.

(Birds Love the Sound)
Finally after few months of cracking my head and staying up late, the powerful internal sound that all have been waiting for is out.
“The Powerful HYPNOTIC- 6-(LP.12)”
Tried out and tested in more than 20 Swiftlet farms, from newly built ones to those that have more than 1000 nests.
The results were fantastic. It was specially tuned and mixed to help fast nests growth and encourage young birds to stay.
Every individual sound in the Hynotic-6 is carefully selected to mix with the craving babies sound to trigger the response of young and old birds that are ready to make nests.
If you want fast nest grow and fast population increase as well as to retain your Birds to stay the Hynotic-6 is the answer.
It is highly recommended for newly built swiftlet farms.
You will see the different.
I often heard from my readers that many consultants claimed that the External sound is more important than the Internal sound. And they said all internal sounds are the same.
Don’t be fooled by their interpretation. How many of them really understand bird’s sounds?
How is the sound of Swiftlet laying egg? How is the Sound of Male and Female in a mating mood? How is the sound of Aggressive Male dominant during territorial defense? How is the sound of Swiftlets feeling safe and calling others to enter the farm?....and so on.
External sound is to call birds, to attract them to come and play and to enter the entrance hole. While Internal sound is to persuade them to stay and to make nests. The answer is both are equally important.
If you concentrated only on External sound and didn’t pay much attention to Internal sound then you are losing out 50%.
You need both to make it up to 100%. It is very simple “like I had always said you don’t have to be a genius to figure things out”. All must be in balance that is what I call Stable Condition Environment, that included sound system. Internal Sound is part of the Bh Stable Condition Environment. Try to start a new Bh without sound and see what happen? You could do that probably 20-30 years ago but not now.
For example: A Bh has a very good Rh averagely 85% without much fluctuation but the Temperature is 35C in the noon and 25C at night. Do you thing this Bh is going to attract birds?
You already have the answer.
So both the Rh & Temp have to work hand in hand complementing each other at 85% and 28C stable then there would be plenty of birds coming to stay.
This also applies to Sound (internal) the same way, if you concentrate on External sound only and neglected Internal sound your Bh it is going to be like concentrating on Rh and neglecting temperature or via versa.
It cannot Be Taken Lightly if you want to be a successful Swiftlet farmer.
Hope you guys understand!
Good Swiftlet Farming All!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Gs Sound The Best! GS声音是最好的!!

Thanks, James.
我已经成功地从你那里下载那俩个声音到我的硬盘和试验了,非常的清澈。 作为开始,我买了7个CD (1个拉鸟,4个外声和2个内声)从.....先生,但是没有一个是好像您的Gez 9和Hypnotic5一样的清澈,我刚试了。
This an email from my reader.
GS sound already beaten others even on PC.
You can compare it yourself. You don't have to be a sound engineer to know the differences.
Good Swiftlet Farming All!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Good Quality New Data Logger with Large Display screen 好品质新的记录表有大的屏幕
大的LCD顯示可以容易觀察。 展示最高和最低的记录。
*贴士 : 用途可以作為濕度計和数据列表。
电池的寿命就显示在屏幕表明。 沒有扰攘的綠色或红色灯。
使用是經濟的電池可以在多数的商店买的到。 电池的寿命為持1年。
还有容易瞭解的手工小冊子。 (不好像筆類型一样).
· 記憶: 16320個温度和湿度的紀錄.
· 記錄間隔時間: 60秒-4個小時.
· 温度范围:-40度-60度
· 準確性:+/- 1度
· 湿度范围:10-99%
· 適合: Window XP/Window Vista或Window 7
· 电池寿命: 平均1年
· 維度: 87x60x19mm .
哪些是更加重要的? 防止小偷闯入您新的燕屋農場或者在最短的时期吸引更多的燕子飛进入燕屋農場造燕窩。
這是燕屋主的心理作用,這樣會使燕屋農場造成问题,而卻他還沒有發覺的。 您也許有最佳的保安系统或預防的小配件,但是,如果燕子不在您的燕屋農場修造燕窩,那麽您那上十萬的燕屋農場也是完蛋的。 您可以對您的朋友自誇關於您燕屋農場的保安系统有多好,但是在您心底是在哭泣的。
在太靠近入口孔的地方安裝勒綫可以造成威胁,因為燕子將避免飛进入燕屋農場。 最大的威脅是在黃昏回歸的時期,它們可能會擊中防貓頭鷹的勒綫。
用勒綫來盤旋整個入口孔將會嚇唬到燕子,如果這是一個新的燕屋農場那麽就更加糟糕了。 燕子會覺得要找一個好的著陸會很困难。 或許在入口孔之上盤旋一會,然後就轉頭就飛走而不在回來了。
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Building Prison or Swiftlet Farm?

Which is more important? Preventing people from breaking into your new Swiftlet farm or attracting as many birds as possible to fly into the Bh to build nests at the shortest period of time.
To most the first one which is preventing people from breaking in is most important even though the Bh is new or without a single nest.
This is more of a psychology effect of the Bh’s owner which cause problem to his Bh without realising it. You may have the best security system or preventive gadgets but if birds don’t build nests in your Bh then your few hundred K Bh is burned. You can brag about how good the security system of your Bh to your friends but deep inside you are crying.
The above pictures is a new Farm, the owner already installed the bard wire even before switching on the sound. It is not wrong to install them but make sure it doesn’t obstruct the flying path of the birds.
Having wires too close to the Entrance hole poses threat as the birds would avoid flying into the Bh. The biggest threat is during home coming at dusk they may hit the bard wire.
Bard wire circling the whole entrance hole would frighten birds, what more this is a new farm. The birds are finding hard time for good landing. Perhaps circling above the entrance -hole few rounds and turn away and never come back.
It shows that owner lack understanding of what should be installed around the Entrance hole and what shouldn’t be there.
The owner should ask himself is he investing into security system or Edible birds’ Nests business.
To all Swiftlet Farmers don’t forget your objective, please stay focused if you want to be successful in Swiftlet farming.
Good Swiftlet Farming All!.
Monday, September 19, 2011
駕車到處去,特别是在那些消遣公園的附近,您將發現它們在那裡。 有大量的。 您家的鄰居也許也可以找的倒。 它們有許多種類,通常都可以吸引黃蜂的到來。
那些花是由非常小的黃蜂授粉,小黃蜂爬行尋找一個適當的地方下蛋。 沒有這些傳粉者服務,无花果树並不能由種子再生產。 反过來,那些花為黃蜂的下一代提供避难所和養料。 這占黃蜂的幼蟲頻繁出现在果子的和导致了相關的演變關係。
燕子也許每天都來這裡食用免费的早餐和午餐,但是它們還是飞回到它們有好屋内環境和設計的燕屋農場。 因此,您努力種植无花果树是爲了喂其他燕屋農場的燕子。
在屋子前面的无花果树。 到處都有。
除了无花果树以外,另外一種樹也可以吸引許多昆蟲的就是Leucaena leucocephala, (Lamtoro、petai cina或者petai selong)。
這归结于它有能力生產大量的花蜜,而這花蜜會吸引許多昆蟲。它到處都可以找得到。 实际上,離我家幾步路的地方就可以找到它們了。 它可以很容易地生長。 它有很多乾的種子。 如果您不想要自己從種子種植它,您可以在大樹根的附近採一些小的樹。
乾了的Lamtoro種子。 您可以自己種植它。
照片就是在我家外面拍的。 昆蟲是很愛這些花。 在黃昏時間,可以看到許多燕子在它的上面飛來飛去。
另一個是椰子树。 在開花期间,它可以吸引許多燕子喜愛的食物,比如小甲蟲和黑螞蟻。 它有許多種類,只要種植那些不會長的很高哪些。 在燕屋農場的周围是不適當有更高的樹。
椰子树的花也是昆蟲愛的。 這就是,Sabak Bernam,Bagan Datok等等有大量的燕子數量,因為這些地方有很多的椰子種植園。
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Trees to Plant Around Swiftlet Farm
The purpose of planting these trees around Bhs is to attract insects (wasps), when there are insects there will be Swiftlets.
The flowers are pollinated by very small wasps that crawl through the opening in search of a suitable place to lay eggs. Without this pollinator service fig trees could not reproduce by seed. In turn, the flowers provide a safe haven and nourishment for the next generation of wasps. This accounts for the frequent presence of wasp larvae in the fruit, and has led to a co evolutionary relationship.
But remember no matter how many figs trees you plant around your Bh’s compound if your Bh is poorly built then it is of no use.
Swiftlets may come to have free breakfast and lunch every day and after that they will fly back to their Bhs that has good Micro & design. So your effort of planting of the Figs trees is to serve others Bhs birds population.

This is due to its ability to produce large amount nectar which attracts lots of insects.It can be found everywhere. In fact I can find them just a few steps outside my house. It can be easily grown. It has plenty of dry seeds. If you don’t want to plant it from the seed you could pluck the small young trees around the roots of the big trees

煙霾! 對燕屋農場的好處和坏出
從80年代尾到現在,印尼燃燒森林和種植園是一年一度的禮節事理。 缺乏权威控制和沒有完善的章程管理,农庄主燃燒植物來清除移植和從新在反种。 這發生在Sumatera和Jawa。
它創造了煙霾並且不僅影響了周边地区,而且還有它的邻国。 這些國家的經濟被影響了,有些飛行的航班必須被取消就是爲了這些濃厚的煙霾,遊客避免來到這些地方等等。 它的衝擊力是難以想像的。 對所有的邻国它是一個很坏的消息。 但是.....,但是。
但是它是好的消息對於馬來西亞的燕屋主。 歷史总是重演的。 它就是最佳的时候來利用這個機會「Jawa 的A.Fuchiphangus龐大的遷移」。
回到80年代,當Sumatera的森林在開始燃燒,它強迫的使燕子尋找新的家和這創造了遷移。 在那时后,並沒有許多的燕屋農場在馬來西亞。 只是有很少的燕屋農場是由那些人有到印尼的人開始的。 您可以數得到或者它比您的手指還少,在整個鎮裏只有一兩間的燕屋農場。
在那段時間,燕子被迫離開印尼,它們的家(燕屋農場)如果留在那裏或者它們將會死。 它們就飛到如像檳城, Setiawan,太平,Parit Buntar, 巴生, 馬六甲, Muar等等的地方來尋找新的住宿,並且放棄了它們在印尼的家。
我還记得在我的家乡太平三十幾年前的時候。 我的鄰居使用長的竹竿來去除在走廊上的燕窩。在走廊外面的都是草巢,但是在樓梯下面的都是燕窩(EBN)。 那裡的嬸嬸說燕子把走廊弄髒了。
到现在那排商店全部都变成了燕屋農場,並且大多數都是非常成功的。 因此現在是煙霾的時刻,是由您有多麼恰當的決定來利用它。
其中一件最重要的事在這個煙霾期間是确定您燕屋農場的濕氣(Rh)是在它的最理想的水平。 濕度的最理想水平將減少煙霾的作用在燕屋農場。 如果燕屋農場是乾燥的,那麽最受影響的就是小的燕子,並且死亡率會很高。 有了這樣的情況,當成年的燕子想要做燕窩时,它們將避免這樣的燕屋農場。 這也是它們燕子的自然天性似乎知道哪一個燕屋農場為它們是最佳的。 所以這就是爲什麽一些燕屋農場可以比其他燕屋農場能吸引更多燕子。 在這個期間濕度必須經常在85%。 這是最關鍵的期間。
其次,在入口孔的外面有洒水也可以幫助。 现在您知道為什麼印尼的燕屋農場有灑水或薄霧噴水隆頭在他們的入口孔。
第三,如果煙霧或陰霾是太濃厚和繼續在几個星期或几個月,您的燕屋農場將好像煙屋。 燕子是不喜歡這樣的環境的。 因為,人的鼻子不是好像燕子一般的敏感,我們不可能注意到它。 要排除這樣的情況您需要噴洒芳香來減少煙霾的作用。 (建议使用Love Potion)。
就算已經有大量燕窩的燕屋農場 (有幾公斤)和有非常濃厚的燕子屎。 這也不會減少煙霾的氣味。
因此,如果您知道怎样做,這是一個非常關鍵的期間,您可能可以吸引到大量的遷移燕子到您的燕屋農場。 但是同时,如果您不做任何東西,在您燕屋農場的燕子也許會離開。
Thursday, September 15, 2011
HAZE! Advantages & Disadvantages to Swiftlet Farms

The Indonesian forest and plantation burning is a yearly ritual affair since the late eighties. Lack of authority control and poor regulation management, plantation owners’ burn old crops to clear way for replanting. This happened in Sumatera and Jawa.
It created hazes and affected not only the surrounding area but also its neighboring countries. Economy of these countries are affected some flights have to be cancelled due to thick haze, tourist avoid coming to these places, etc. The impact is unimaginable. It is bad news to all neighboring countries. But…..But..
But it is good news to Swiftlet farmers in Malaysia. History always repeats itself. It is the best time to take advantage of this opportunity “The Great Migration of Jawa A.Fuchiphangus”.
Way back in the eighties when the forest burning in Sumatera started it forced the Swiftlets to look for new homes and this created the migration. During that time there were not many Swiftlet farms in Malaysia. There were only few Bhs that were started by those who have been to Indonesia. You could count them it is less than your fingers perhaps there were only one or two Swiftlet farms in the whole town.
During these period Swiftlets were forced to leave their homes ( swiftlet farms) in Indonesia or else they would die. They fly to places like Penang, Setiawan, Taiping Parit Buntar, Klang, Melaka, Muar and so on to seek new shelters and abandoned their Homes in Indonesia.
Those who knew about Swiftlet farming at that time took this opportunity and now they are the pioneers.
I still remember in my home town Taiping thirty over years ago. My neighbors used long polls to remove nests from its corridor. They were grass nests at the outer part of the corridors and the inner side at the stair case there were birds’ nests (EBN). The aunties there claimed the birds dirtied the walk way.
Now these whole rolls of shop lots had turned into Swiftlet farms and most of them are very successful. So the haze is here and now it is up to how well you know how to take advantage of it.
At present not only you need to attract as many migration birds as possible at the same time to prevent your existing swiftlest from leaving your Bhs.
One of the most important things to do during this haze period is to make sure your Bhs Humidity (Rh ) is at its optimum level. Optimum level of Rh would reduce the effect of haze in Bhs. If the Bh is dry then birds especially the babies would suffer and the mortality rate will be high. With such situation adult birds would avoid such Bhs when they want to make nests. This is birds’ natural instinct they seemed to know which Bhs is best for them. That is why some Bhs could attract more birds than others. During this period the Rh has to be at 85% constantly. This is the most crucial period.
Secondly having water sprinkles outside the entrance hole would help. Now you know why Indonesia’s Bhs have water or mist sprinkler at their entrance holes.
Third, if the smog/haze is too thick and continued for weeks/months your Bhs would smell like a smoke house. Birds don’t like such environment. We may not notice it as human nose is not as sensitive as birds. To counter this you need to spray Aroma to reduce the smoke effect. (Recommended Love potion).
Even Bhs that already have plenty of nests (few kgs) and with very thick drooping. This won’t reduce the smoke smell.
So this is a very crucial period, you could attract lots of migration birds to your Bhs if you know what to do. At the same time if you just leave it as it is the existing birds in your Bhs may leave too.
So do something about it today. For smart Swiftlet farmers they are seeking every opportunity every moment to attract migration birds and at the same time steal your swiftlets when your Bhs internal environment deteriorated.
Good Swiftlet farming All

Malaysia 'complains to Indonesia over haze'
Malaysia has complained to Indonesia about land-clearing fires in the neighbouring country that have led to a blanket of pollution and poor air quality.
Air quality on Friday dropped to a level deemed "unhealthy" in one area of Negeri Sembilan state, south of the capital Kuala Lumpur. Though conditions improved on Saturday, some 60 percent of the country recorded "moderate" pollution.
Uggah Embas said Indonesia had improved efforts to tackle the problem since 2005 when parts of one Malaysian state experienced pollution at highly dangerous levels.
He is expected to meet his counterpart, Gusti Muhammad Hatta, at an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) gathering in Bangkok on September 18.
And he said Malaysia would push for the setting up of a regional fire fighting squad to tackle haze-related fires in ASEAN member countries.
"We will push for this unit because we need quick deployment should any member country require such assistance," he was quoted as saying.
His aides could not immediately comment on the Bernama
source: Bernama
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
很有趣的! 我讀者修造的一個3尺的火箭筒。 這3個火箭筒是他為他新將要在這個週末開聲音的燕屋農場使用的。
您也可以自己DIY它。 我前幾天去了他的辦公室。 他為他的手工感到非常骄傲並且想要我的評論。
前面的部分沒有適當地完成,他應該使用螺絲來鎖住那個網。 那個磁帶不是足够堅硬的。 經過幾天時間的日曬和雨淋它一定拆開的。很有趣地,他對他的火箭筒是非常雄心勃勃和非常有確信的。

Interestingly he is very ambitious and very confident about his Bazookas.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
如何DIY有網的壁角板來快速的提高燕窩的成長在新的燕屋農場 DIY Corner Board to Enhance Fast Nests Building in New Swiftlet Farm
這是您如何可以吸引幼燕子到您新的燕屋農場修造燕窩的技巧。 有时后,您之前可能需要几個月或几年的時間才可以看到第1個燕窩的打底在您新的燕屋農場。 有許多人會勸告您等待,但是等待也是有極限的….
這裡就是我在我的燕屋農場使用的其中一種戰術來快速提高燕窩的成長,特别是在新的燕屋農場。 我會逐步來顯示您如何DiY這個有網的壁角板。它是非常有效的。 燕子甚至會修造燕窩在有高音揚聲器的壁角板上。 當您看到它的結果时,您同意技術、技巧和知識是成功燕屋農場的柱子。
您需要的東西來DIY有網的壁角板。 1) 訂書槍,确定您使用一個优良品质的。 高质量的訂書槍將擊穿硬木。 (向中國製造的說不) .2) 塑料的网,任何的顏色都可以。 您可以從五金店買得到。 3) Love Potion。 4) 壁角板。 我更喜歡新月形圓類型的。
噴洒Love Potion在壁角板上。 確定把喷嘴轉到噴薄霧浪花讓它們烘乾。
把網剪成壁角板的大小。 确定它把整個表面蓋著。我喜欢使用塑料的网,因為它可以承受氧化和不會生產含毒物的氧化好像鋼或鋁。
用釘書槍釘所有的角落。 一旦完成了。您可以在您的燕屋農場安裝它們。
我使用的訂書槍是瑞典制造的。 我在我所有的燕屋農場都使用了它,已經有好幾年了。 它從未讓我失望。 我還记得,有一次它從第3個楼的互連孔掉落到底层,出于我的意外,除了一些傷痕和它的手把一點歪了之外,它還是完全仍然运作的。
Monday, September 5, 2011
與泰國朋友參觀獨立燕屋農場 Standalone Swiftlet farms Visit with a Friend from Thailand
上个星期是一个很完美的长假期。最我终于可以在家里放松和完全不做任何东西。 只從我介入了燕屋农场這個行業我就没有好好的休息。 我一直要好好的休息和完全的放开燕屋农场的事物。
当您很过繁忙的时候,太过繁忙和有很多不顺利的東西從早上到夜晚,您要的是全部东西停顿。。。如果可以只是要按一个钮就可以让全部东西消失。 但是这是不可能的。 就算我没有做任何事情,但是有些事情会突然没有预料的时候发生的。
在马来人过年的第一天,一个从泰国的朋友打电话给我。 “嗨,James,这个周末我会和朋友来KL购物. 我好几没有见您了,我可以来见您吗,我的好朋友?“
K.Sorn先生是从Yala来的。几年前从我的部落格认识了我。 他是最早使用Love Potion的泰国人和到现在还是在使用。 他所有的燕屋农场都是使用Love Potion.
我还记得在几年前他告诉我,”James, 我要造更加多的燕屋农场,但是我很担心。 我两个独立的燕屋农场都没有很好的成绩。 两间燕屋农场过了俩年只是有少过80个燕窝。“
在使用了Love Potion 5个月之后,他又打电话给我,这次他要订购放大器,高音杨声器,等等,但是要大量的还要Love Potion.
背後的原因是。。。他新的燕屋农场將快完成了。 我很驚奇。我問了他,“我以爲您不會再建燕屋农场了?“
他回復了,“James, 有了Love Potion我再也不會害怕,我那兩個燕屋农场在短短的5個多月有了將近300個燕窩。所以我將會建更加多的燕屋农场。“
K. Sorn將會建3個燕屋农场在他泰國南部的地。這就是我記得他的原因,然後我們成爲了好朋友。我記得我叫他為一個要更加多燕屋农场和LPs(Love Potion)的人。
我帶他到Selangor南部不遠的地方,因爲他傍晚要趕回K.L. 路程是很順暢的…如果每一天都是好像這樣那我的路程將會多容易。
我在這裡有一間從2009年到現在。它的成果…好…非常好. 在短短一年的時間有多過10間。一些新的肩並肩的和久的燕屋农场排在一行,這就代表久的燕屋农场是做的不錯。
那些做狗洞設計的也有好幾种,一些有很多入口洞,與其他相比多了很多。一些只是有一個小的入口洞。 這裡相同的就是3層樓和狗洞類型。
在這裡完美的地方就是它有很多運河 圍繞著植物園。它是一個底和平的區域而且還是靠近海邊。外部環境是一流的,高濕度而且還很涼快的風。這就是我們所要的燕屋农场。地點在燕屋农场是其中一個最重要的元素。如果您得到了這樣對的地點,第二個要做的事是燕屋的設計。第三的事是燕屋农场屋内的那方面。
DIY Corner Board to Enhance Fast Nests Building in New Swiftlet Farm
Here is one of the tactics I use in my Bhs to enhance fast nests growth especially in new swiftlet farm. I will show you step by step to DiY this corner boar netting.It is very effective. Swiftlets would even build nests on corner boards that have tweeters. When you see the result you would agree that techniques, skill and knowledge are the pillar of success in Swiftlet farming.

I prefer to use plastic netting because it withstands oxidation unlike steel or aluminium which could oxidise and produce toxic.

Standalone Swiftlet farms Visit with a Friend from Thailand

Last week was a fantastic long holiday. Finally I could sit back at home and do nothing. I haven’t got a good rest ever since I got involved in Swiftlet farming. I had always wanted to rest and totally stay away from all swiftlet farming activities.
I've intended not to do any farm visiting as I’ve just recovered from flu and I want to….do nothing and rest.
Sometimes when you are too busy…..extremely busy and having a hectic morning till night you just wish all these would stop..If possible just push a stop button everything just vanished. But that would not happen. Even when I was doing nothing there would be things that would pop up unexpectedly.
On the first day of Raya my friend from Thailand calls. “Hi James, I will be in K.L to do some shopping with my family this weekend. I have not seen you for long time could I meet up with you my good friend?”
How could I say no… to a good friend from Thailand.
Mr.K.Sorn of Yala got to know me from my blog many years back. He was the first few pioneer users of Love Potion from Thailand and till now stills a regular user. All his Bhs are using Love potion.
I still remember what he had told me many years ago, “James I wanted to build more Swiftlet farms but I’m afraid. My 2 standalones are not doing well. After 2 years there are less than 80 nests in both Bhs”.
After 5 months of using Love Potion he calls me again this time he wanted to order Amplifiers, tweeters, etc in big quantity together with the Love potion.
Reason being…. For his new swiftlet farms which will be completed soon. I was surprised. I asked him, “I thought you’re not going to build anymore farm?”.
He replied, “James with Love potion I am not afraid anymore, my 2 farms now have about 300 nests after 5 months plus. So I am building more farms”.
Mr.K.Sorn is building another 3 farms on his lands in Southern Thailand. This is how I remembered him and later we became good friend. I used to call him the man who wants more farms and LPs (love potion).
As usual successful swiftlet farmers are brilliant people. For this trip he kills 2 birds with one stone. He took his family for shopping in K.L at the same time he could do some swiftlet farming stuffs.
He wanted to see how Malaysian Standalone looks like especially those that are located down south of Malaysia. With more than 12 standalones now he still wants to build more. This time he wanted something different from how the Thai built them.
I took him to the South of Selangor which is not far as he has to get back to K.L by evening. The traffic was dam good …if every day were like this it would have made my travelling easy.
The place we went was an Oil palm plantation next to the sea. Plenty of vegetation. The Standalones cannot be seen from the main road. Most of them were hidden inside. In recent years Swiftlet farm has been mushrooming here without many people noticing.
I have one here which operated in year 2009. The ….result good….good. And within 1 year there were more than ten of them. Some new ones were built side by side those old Bhs these showed that the old ones are doing pretty well.
There were many different designs of Dog Kennel, some with multiple entries which are more than one entrance hole. While others stick to small entrance type. There is one similarity here all are 3 storey with Dog Kennel type.
Sincerely if you ask my opinion on Standalone I would opt for Dog Kennel. You would agree with me when your Bh reaches 1000 nests and above.
The beauty of this place is that it has many canals surrounding the plantation. It is a low and flat land area which is next to the sea. External environment is fantastic cool wind with high humidity. This is what we want in swiftlet farming. Location is one of the most important factors in Successful Swiftlet farming. If you get the location right the second thing to do is the farm design. The third is the internal aspect of the farm.
The weather was good with bright blue sky. I take this visit as leisure enjoying the scenery but my good friend Mr.K.Sorn takes it as Swiftlet farm visit….ha…ha..
Enjoy the pictures …Good Swiftlet farming All!