My mobile phone keeps on ringing this morning. I wonder who is the caller better be something urgent or else I will %#$$$ at the caller.
It was my friend who has a Swiftlet farm in Perak. I shouted, why you call so early? He seemed speechless. He cried, you have to see this by yourself as I always tell him seeing is believing.
I replied what? He cried again "my farm is full with Swiftlets and nests". I thought he was joking as there are no Nesting Planks in his farm and furthermore his farm is only 80% completed.
Yes seeing is believing until I witness it myself.
Last month exactly one month ago, while I was formulating my Love Potion he called me up. He complained that I didn't visit his farm after I had advised the contractor about the design and the works schedule. I told him I will visit his farm to check out the renovation works as soon as I completed the Love Potion.
I asked him to use it on all edges of the farm before installing the nesting planks.
Coincidently the Red Meranti Planks that he had ordered for his farm is out of stock and he has to wait for 3-4 weeks.
The Saw Mill asked us to substitute with other woods but we wouldn’t want to compromise and we rather wait. Of cause other Saw Mill may have the Meranti Planks but we trusted this Saw Mill which we have worked with for many years.
So he has to wait and this is a good time for him to apply the Love Potion. He applied 3 times every other day.
I asked him why so much he replied, to let the Potion slowly adsorbed into the edges of the wall. He got a point there.
( the birds are clinching onto the edges of the wall that has the Love Potion aroma)
I suggested while waiting for the Meranti planks to arrive why don’t we do some hypnotize works (for those who have experience will know the meaning)?
Well there is nothing to loose anyway. So we pulled the wire of the Amp and attached to 2 tweeters and fixed it onto the entrance hole. My friend laughed at me for doing this.
He said if the birds come in where are they going to stay? There are no nesting planks in my farm yet.
I replied just play the external sound this will attract the birds to play in your farm and later when you install the Planks the birds will build nest faster as they got used to the sound “this is call hypnotism work” again he laughed.
Anyway he was a nice fellow otherwise I would have punched him on the nose.
So the sound system was fixed as usual with timer plays 12 hours a day (only 2 tweeters).
As we both work in K.L so we did not check out the farm during these 4 weeks as it is located in Perak. Anyway what is there to check out? There are no electronic items except one cheap Amp and there are no Nesting Planks.
(young birds in mating mood)
Finally almost 4 weeks after he had applied the Love Potion the Saw Mill called him to deliver the Meranti Planks and he drove up to his farm and to his surprise his farm has plenty of birds and nests. His jaw dropped and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing
The Love Potion has attracted the birds to make nests and stay. It is so powerful that even without the nesting planks the birds still so eager to make nests.
It makes the young birds to mate. This has proven that with the Love Potion the birds will make nests and thus the bird’s population in the farm will increase.
The results came out beyond my expectation. It was amazing. My conclusion is, this Potion is a must have aroma for all farms, either new or old farms.
Finally my hard work and countless hours of studying the base and formulation have paid off.
For sure we both are dam happy now. For me the Love Portion's result came out beyond my expectation and for him even before his farm completed he can start counting the nest.
Not many people are as lucky as him.
The Love Potion will be available in few days time. Only limited quantity available. For those who are interested please email me for booking. There will be charges but reasonable charges.