Some of my readers had called me asking should the buy or invest into those “Ready made or specially made farms" in a specific area (Park) that come in 20 to 50 units.
The most common question was, will the unit I buy will be a successful farm in future? Well it depends but for sure one thing competition is stiff.
All these units were made solely for farming purposes and in future if the farm failed I don't think that you can rent it out for business purposes. They come with many packages such as including or excluding consultation on renovation, full or partial management for certain years and so on.
Indeed it is hard to see all units will be successful. Even in some Prime Birds Zone Areas like K.T, K.B, S.P, K.M, Taiping, Setiawan,etc not all farms located at the same area or next to each other would have the same successful rate.
Thru my experience I have seen 2 failed farms sandwiched a successful farm that is harvesting 18-20kgs per month. What happened to these 2 farms that sandwiched the successful farm? Aren't them in the same location?
It would be a 10-20% ratio immaterial where it located. Could your farm be the one in the 10-20% ration side or otherwise? If this is the case then would all the 50 units’ farms have the same result? I am sure you have the answer.
Therefore if you have one unit here your farm has to stand out amongst the 50 units so that your farm would fall in the 10-20% side. The Micro has to be the best amongst the 50 units so when a colony of birds passes by all would swap to your farm.
In such situation the Internal Farm Design has to be good and unique, any mistake made your farm will be left out. Don't forget your farm is competing directly with the other 49 units.
I guess my write above has give some conclusion for those who want to invest in it.
“Owning a Swiftlet Farm is easy. Anyone can have it. Having a Successful one that could generate income is totally a different thing" james
Good luck !