Thru my experiences many owners would request that not to do too much alteration to the shop because if one day the farm is not successful then they will save the renovation cost of turning back the shop to its previous.
I ask them if you had thought of this then you should not had invested in it. If one has such thinking then the farm will not end up a good farm. With many restrictions it is hard to build a good farm. It is a no turning back investment. Do whatever the best to get the best result.
Do the best to avoid future revamp. Every details has to be considered. Think not about now or 6 months from now or 1 year. It is a long term planning.
The celling has been removed to pave way for the OR. The position is based on the flying circle of Swiftlets in that area. Size varies depend on the location , area and of cos the size and the design of the farm. Anything that are not in the plan must be removed or taken down.
Sand Bricks are being used inside for economical reason. It is good for internal walls. Some may use ceiling board or ply wood for internal walls or partition but I still prefer Sand bricks.
It's for long term and security reason as ceiling board and plywood tend to move or sag over time. The prolong high humidity in farm surely affect the plywood to chip. I don't like the smell so do birds.
Some may plaster the bricks some may not well for me it all depended on where the walls are erected.
To be continued............................
通过我的經驗, 許多拥有燕屋的人會請求对商店不要做太大的装修, 因為, 如果一天燕屋農場不成功的话, 他們还可以节省改修商店的装修費来回 到原本的行装。
我问他們如果您有这样的想法您不應該有这样的投資。 如果有這樣想法 的您就不會好的農場。 許多限制是是很难有来修建一個好的燕屋農場。 它是一个沒有会头的投資。要做就做最好的来取得最佳的結果。
应该竭尽全力來避免未來的修補。必須考慮每个細節。不要想現在或6個月或1年的时间。 它是一個长远的计划.
将会在天花板上來为屋頂开洞. 位置是根据那個區域燕子的飛行圈子路线。 大小的改變是根据地點,區域和当然燕屋農場的大小和設計。任何不在計劃中必须去除或除掉.
是為長期的和安全的原因, 隨著時間天花板和三夹板会移動或下垂。 在延 長高湿度的燕屋農場肯定会影響三夹板。 我也象燕子不喜欢 如此的氣味。
一些也许会為沙子磚牆壁打灰, 但是我还是觉的架設牆壁的地点。