I have received many emails regarding the guidelines for Swiftlet Farming which some claimed that it will be implemented soon.
Some even ask me what my reaction is. Well all I could say if illegal gambling, loan shark, bookies, etc could exist then what is Bh which does no harm to other.
I had seen the drafted plan many times sort of immune to it. This is not new it has been dragged on for many years. Every time new set of guidelines will come out with illogical and non practical ways of implementation to squeeze the swiflet farmers and to put them in disadvantage situation. In fact this is the purpose of the guidelines and it has hidden agenda. You know why? Because we all don’t look the same like Swiftlets.
Unless all of us look the same like A. Fuciphagus or C.Maximus then no one could distinguish us other than by looking at our nests then all swiftlet farmers would be in peace. Let’s dream this will never happen.
For sure one thing the Bh will survive. No matter what it is. If illegal gambling, loan shark, bookies, prostitution, corruption, etc could continue to exist even with harsh punishment so what is Bh.
For those who think that if they follow the guidelines they will be safe, don’t be naive. It’s not about the regulations it is beyond this even building one on an agriculture land will not be easy or safe.
Below information is picked from the so call drafted plan.
./ 6.1 Status Tanah ;:
i. • Hendaklah dikategorikan sebagai bangunan perniagaan
ii. Bagi bangunan ' free standing I di atas tanah pertanian , syarat
nyata tanah ditukar kepada kategori bangunan perniagaan.
Jarak Bangunan
i. Mempunyai jarak 150 m daripada mana - mana bangunan
kediaman berdekatan.
if. Hendaklah tidak kurang dari )Iz km. daripada kawasan perumahan
dan bangunan komersial.
Free standing’ Standalone , means the agriculture land has to be converted to commercial land before you can build a farm. Often converting status of land takes time and lots of money and lots of hassle. After converting, the land premium will kill you.
It needs the concern of so many parties. Where every department concerns will squeeze the juice out of you. You may end up giving up.
So does it mean if there is restriction all farmers should give up swiftlets farming? I guess not. I for sure won’t give up. There are ways to go around it. In fact most have been doing it for long time. That is why we call this Boleh Land.
Good Farming all!