This is what happened when the sound could hypnotise the birds. Good sound is a must especially for new farms and farms located in those Sound War Zone.
Birds in the Sound War areas are so used to sound. They heard all sorts of cd sound from the first day they were born. The chirping sound from your farm in these areas have to be extraordinary otherwise it will be hard to attract them to stay.
Good farming All!
這就是发生了當聲音可以用来催眠燕子。 好的聲音是當务之急特别是在新的燕屋農場,並且位于在那些声音的战区。
燕子在声音戰爭地区是聽惯了声音。 他們從出生的第一天已经聽惯了各種各樣的CD聲音。 從您的燕屋農場的唧啾叫聲音在這些區域必須是非凡的否則它將是难以吸引到它們停留。