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Interested in the below Products? For LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & AGENCY please contact swifjames@yahoo.com

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets
59 Jalan Tabla 33/21, Shah Alam Technology Park 40400 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia.Tel 012.3173811 Business Hour: By Appointment. 只限预约。




More Powerful Than Before. Leading In Hormone Aroma 比以前更加強大。在激素香氣中領先.

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam
Explaining how to use Love Potion effectively to increase Nests & Birds Population to user of Love Potion


Want your new farm to have many birds to stay and to build nests in the shortest period of time.Use LOVE POTION. It has the odor ( hormone) that makes birds get into mating mood.It also helps to increase birds population of old farm.For those farms that the numbers of nests has not increased the Love Potion would help. It is so powerful that even without the Nesting Planks the Swiftlets still eager to stay and make nests. The above picture shows most birds are in pair. It indicates that most are in mating mood. Interested email swifjames@yahoo.com. TESTED & PROVEN! Only limited quantity available. 要您的新燕屋農場有許多燕子停留和修造窝在最短的时期。用Love Potion。 它的氣味(激素)能令燕子有交配的心情。它也幫助增加旧的燕屋農場增加燕子群。能為那些燕窝数量未增加的燕屋農場也能使用Love Potion来幫助增加。 是很有強力的甚而沒有板條燕子也很熱切的停留和做窝。 上面的圖片展示多数燕子是一對一對的。 它表明多數的燕子是有交配的心情。 感興趣的请发電子郵件swifjames@yahoo.com。 已被測試和被证明的! 存货有限。For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


The New Packing Swiftlet farming Love Potion is in 2 liter bottle with security sealed sticker at the cap. The New bottle is specially designed for convenience and easy use with Sprayer Gun. Remove cap and lock on Sprayer Gun and it’s ready to use.No hassle of pouring into Spray Pump and it saves money, you don’t need to buy Spray Pump. The purchase of every 2 bottles comes with a free industry grade powerful Sprayer Gun that could spray up to a distance of 10-12 ft. Designed to reach the ceiling, planks, entrance hole, inter-hole and the high roving area.To get the New Love Potion please contact James: 012-3173811 or email: swifjames@yahoo.com 新Love Potion的包裝是一個2公升瓶,有安全密封的貼紙在瓶蓋上。 它比早先的包裝更多500ml。 (如果安全密封是破壞,千萬不要購買) 。2公升瓶是特地為方便和容易使用而设计的,它有噴霧槍。除去瓶蓋,然後鎖上噴霧槍就可以立即使用。 再也不必麻煩的把Love Potion倒入其他浪花泵浦,而且它也不浪費金錢,您不需要再買一個浪花泵浦。 凡購買2瓶,就送一個工業級有強力的噴霧槍。這個噴霧槍可以噴洒到距離10-12英尺的地方。 它是特地為噴到天花板、板條、入口孔、互連孔和高的環繞區而設計的。要買到新的Love Potion,請与James斯联系: 012-3173811或電子郵件:For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


តោះ ចូលរួមជាមួយខ្ញុំដើម្បីរៀនអំពីបច្ចេកទេសក្នុងការសាង់សង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំដែលជោគជ័យ។​ វគ្គសិក្សានេះ សិក្សាលំអិតស៊ីជំរៅ​លើសពីកំរិតមូលដ្ឋាន​ និងមិនដែលបាន​បង្រៀននៅក្នុងសិក្ខាសាលាផ្សេងៗពីមុនទេ។ សិក្ខាសាលានេះ នឹងសិក្សាចាប់តាំងពីចំនុចសំខាន់ក្នុងគម្រោងសាងសង់ផ្ទះ ច្រកសត្វហោះចូល បចេ្ចកទេសធ្វើអោយសំបុកធំ ហើយមានពណ៌ស​ រហូតដល់ជាពិសេសគឺវិធីទាក់ទាញសត្វអោយធ្វើសំបុកក្នុងរយះពេល 100 ថ្ងៃ។ ​ ជាមួយនឹងគំនិតច្នៃប្រឌិតថ្មីៗ​ ដែលឆ្លងកាត់ការស្រាវជ្រាវនិងការវិវឌ្ឍន៍​ជាច្រើនទសវត្សរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្ញុំនឹងចែករំលែកគំនិតនិងរូបមន្តសំងាត់ដែលជួយឱ្យក្តីសុបិន្តផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំរបស់អ្នកក្លាយជាការពិត។ នេះគឺជាសិក្ខាសាលាពិសេស សម្រាប់អ្នកដែលកំពុងស្វែងរកភាពជោគជ័យ និងចង់ទទួលបានចំនេះដឹងនិងជំនាញពិតហើយត្រឹមត្រូវក្នុងការសាងសង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំ។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើ នៅសណ្ឋាគារ​ Sunway​ ភ្នំពេញ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា នាថ្ងៃទី 9-10 ខែមិនា ឆ្នាំ2019។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើឡើងជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស និងភាសាខ្មែរ។​

Swiflet Farm Using Love Potion together with Gs-9/Hypno-5

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)
A Powerful Hormone Aroma specially formulated to increase birds’ population and nests growth for New and Old Swiftlet farms. The scent helps to retain young birds & attract them stay and make nests. Tested and Proven since 2008. Trusted and used by Swiftlet farms throughout South East Asia. Use immediately after every harvest. Effectively repels unfavorable smell in Bh. Invented by Swiftlet farmer for Swiftlet farms. Packing: 2ltr. Free Spray gun for every purchase of 2 bottles. Call: 012-3173811. 有強力的荷爾蒙芳香特別地為新和舊的燕屋農場增加燕子的群和燕窩的成長而啓發的。 它的氣味幫助保留小的燕子和 吸引它們逗留並且做燕窩。自2008年以來就已被測試和证明。 被東南亞各地的燕屋農場信賴和使用。 在每個收穫之後的立刻使用。 有效的排斥在燕屋農場裏不被喜愛的氣味。由養燕人爲養燕人發明的。 包裝:2ltr. 凡買2瓶就送一個噴霧槍。 打電話: 012-3173811.

从Love Potion 的用户

今天早上我從運輸者受到了5箱的Love Potion。 我是非常擔心Love Potion没货的。
谢谢您保證我的订单在週末之前到達。 我的工人需要在收穫以後使用它的。
在用Love Potion以后燕窝增加了。 我未曾看过這樣巨大的增加在燕窝的公斤量。
當您再回來太平时請打电话给我。 我要请您吃晚餐,並且进一步談論關於燕窝出口和贸易。
Y.先.......... ..... ......
燕窝處理和貿易商 .



1) Spray on planks turn Spray nozzle to MIST SPRAY.1-3 burst is good enough for planks especially at the corner boards. / 噴灑在木板上,把噴灑頭鑽成噴霧,按1-3 次就夠了,特別是在壁角板上.

2) Spraying on wall 1-2 ft below nesting planks turn Spray nozzle to sharp spray. Spray zigzag lines as you walk. Let the it drips from the walls. Spray at Roving area, Nesting area, Inter-holes, entrance holes, (80% on walls 20% on Planks) / 噴灑在牆壁上,在木板1-2尺之下,把噴灑頭鑽成噴尖。一直走一直噴。讓它慢慢滴下來。也噴在環繞區,造窩區,互聯洞,入口洞,(80%噴在牆壁,20%噴在木板)
3) Spray after each harvest or after your have entered the farm. 在在每次收穫之後噴或者每一次您進入燕屋農場之後

4) Pour into Humidifier (chicken coop type) 也可以倒入噴霧機 (雞寮性)

5) If you can’t finish 1 bottle for 1 floor it means you have not sprayed enough.1 bottle good for 1400sf 如果您在一層樓用不完一瓶那就是說您噴的不夠。一瓶是足夠1400方尺

6) Shake bottle well before use. 把瓶子搖均勻才用

7)DO NOT MIX WATER (do not dilute) 不必參水 (不可以彫稀)

8)Use once every 3 weeks. 每三的星期用一次


New Hypnotic Sound " Gezillion Star" Interested to have this Sound Call 012-3173811



燕屋設計、屋内环境、aroma、光度、飛行道, 间接等等是否正確?
讓我帮助和勸告您如何解決您的問題, 成为一个完美和燕子喜歡的燕屋農場。 我將教您如何解決問題和改正差錯。因此,今后當您碰见任何燕屋農場問題时,您將會解決它。


B-52 External Sound

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Turning a Good Swiftlet Farm into A Guine Pig Research Center

Why there are so many failed Swiftlet farms (85% failed)? Partly because the Bh’s owners think that they know all.

From fresh with very basic information, with just few months of experience and had never seen other Bh except 1 or 2 Bhs that belong to their friends or relatives. After that they start to think they know all and their ideas are the ultimate solution to all problems and it is 100% workable.

In other words they could build a successful farm anywhere immaterial of the environment, skill, knowledge, etc and expected that they would be laughing to the bank in a year time.

Is that realistic or just a dream? To those who had been long enough in this industry, skillful and had experiences wouldn’t call it a dream, they call it Day Dreaming.

Confident is good but in many cases they are over confident with no direction. When one is over confident whatever ideas that come into their minds they consider it workable.

They would apply all sorts of things they have heard from friends, forum, etc into their Bhs without finding whether it would work or it would harm their farms. I can’t blame them they have no previous data or experience to compare with. All they knew is what they think is right. Later to find out what THEY KNEW IS NOT RIGHT by this time it is already too late and often damages have been done.

They would try all sort of things in their Bhs (the Ideas they consider workable)without realizing that they are turning their Swiftlet Farms in a Guinea Pig research center.

Their own belief and confident are playing tricks on them.

One of the cases I encountered lately was a Bh that has a good start. It has few nests in 2 months after operation with plenty of birds dropping spots. It beats all the Bhs which started at the same time around that area.

It was not located in a prime area but with such results and based on the dropping spots it would hit at least 50 nests or more in the first year. Though this figure is not impressive but for such located what more could we ask for?

They were many spots of birds’ shits and it increases every month. It shows good sign. The owner is exited he can’t wait to see his bh. If he could he wants to see it every day. I guess he had many ideas he thinks that would work and wanted to apply them in his bh without knowing that he is turning his investment into a Guinea Pig Research Center. It is painful to see such good Bh been abused by the owner without himself realizing it.

I have been with him during the construction of his farm which takes few months. I know how well he knows about Swiftlet farming. In term of knowledge in Swiftlet farming from the scale of 10, I would give him 0.1. Sometimes it hurts to know the truth and this is how a person would learn. If we didn't know our weakness then how could we learn? But for him he thinks he is at the 10 of the scale.

He has been pestering me to visit his Bh. He would enthusiastically ask what my plan is. What I am going to do? What I intended to do? And so on. I told him I can’t intend and I don’t presume. I have to see the internal of the Bh first before I decide what to do. Because the internal of the bh would indicates the next course of action. He often ask me..Who and who did this and who did that…and should he follows them. My reply is always up to you.

He often comes out with ideas which he thinks that it is what the bird wants. There were once he told me, James Birds prefer Plastic fake nests than Styrofoam nest. I asked him how you know that. Have you done a research, or the bird tell you, or you read it somewhere? His reply was, no James it is just what I think.

He used to call me often almost every other week and ask when I could visit his Bh but for the past few months he didn’t call me. Out of curiosity I called him last week after 5 months and discovered he has turned his very potential Bh into a Guinea Pig Research Centre.

After 2 months of operation with good result he went into the Bh and restore everything from sound system to

Humidifier based on what he thinks “the birds want”.

Hi Mr.K, how have you been? Haven’t heard from you for a while. How is your Bh?

James, not good no improvement after that good 2 months period.

Mr.K , that can’t be. Your Bh should have at least 30 nests or more by now. There are many spots of droppings. There are from young birds. How could there be no increase in nests. There might be something wrong somewhere.

James, I think the Humidifier is too loud. I think the tweeters and the Hexagonal position is not right. I think the birds don’t like Styrofoam fake nest they prefer Plastic Fake nests.

And the “I think this, I think that” goes on and on…….

Mr.K how do you know the Humidifier is loud and the Birds don’t like it? Could it be the Motor inside damaged?

Oh James, I could hear them from down stair in the control room.

With such reply I scratched my head and wonder how he could hear the Humidifier sound from the control room. Then I realized there must be something fishy. If he could hear the Humidifier in the control room then it means the Internals sound is not loud enough or there is no internal sound at all.

By knowing his character I realized that he must have done something to his Bh. I prompted him, what did you do to your Bh Mr.K? I discovered he had tried his ideas in his Bh.

He reduced the volume of the internal sound because he heard that successful Bhs switched off their Internal sounds when they reach certain Kg of nests. That is for Bhs that have huge population not for new Bhs. DUDE!

After reducing the internal sound volume he realised that he could hear the sound of the Humidifier because of this he then switched off the Humidifiers. After switching off the Humidifier he realised not many birds are flying in and so on. He discovered one link to another eventually he almost shut down everything in the Bh.

He tuned the sound system which I had set at the beginning and so on if you can imagine. He wanted to reduce the height of the Hexagonal based on what he thinks is right. He explained, it is because the way the birds fly into his farm but it was totally wrong interpretation. He can’t even distinguish the flying pattern between Apus-apus and A.Fuciphangus then how could he interpret their flying behaviors. He wanted to do many things that I can’t imagine that could harm the Bh.

He went into his Bh almost every week to try out his so call workable Ideas.

He really trashed his own Bh. It is very sad to see how a good Bh been abused. I have yet to visit his Bh but I anticipated there are more things to be discovered. I think I won’t be able to find out more as I don’t intend to visit this Bh again.

I told him there are many Bhs out there that hardly could achieve 10 nests in 3 months. You have it and you chased them away.

I hope those who read this would think twice whenever they think their ideas are workable.

Good Swiftlet farming All.



Thousand Swiftlets

swiftlet farming-James

Revamped Bh -With Gs Sound

Swiftlet Sound GS

Swiftlet Farming


New Swiftlet Farm wth GS-9 Ext sound. Video recorded 5 minute after sound switched on

Good External Sound of a SWIFTLET FARM

GEZILLION STAR External Sound Call 012-317 3811

2 years Old Swiftlets Farm

Classic Video from a Good friend of mine "SeeSeng". Taken 4 yrs ago.

Bird Test With the Powerful Bird Test Kit (Stress Sound) Attracts birds within 30 seconds