(Birds Love the Sound)
Finally after few months of cracking my head and staying up late, the powerful internal sound that all have been waiting for is out.
“The Powerful HYPNOTIC- 6-(LP.12)”
Tried out and tested in more than 20 Swiftlet farms, from newly built ones to those that have more than 1000 nests.
The results were fantastic. It was specially tuned and mixed to help fast nests growth and encourage young birds to stay.
Every individual sound in the Hynotic-6 is carefully selected to mix with the craving babies sound to trigger the response of young and old birds that are ready to make nests.
If you want fast nest grow and fast population increase as well as to retain your Birds to stay the Hynotic-6 is the answer.
It is highly recommended for newly built swiftlet farms.
You will see the different.
I often heard from my readers that many consultants claimed that the External sound is more important than the Internal sound. And they said all internal sounds are the same.
Don’t be fooled by their interpretation. How many of them really understand bird’s sounds?
How is the sound of Swiftlet laying egg? How is the Sound of Male and Female in a mating mood? How is the sound of Aggressive Male dominant during territorial defense? How is the sound of Swiftlets feeling safe and calling others to enter the farm?....and so on.
External sound is to call birds, to attract them to come and play and to enter the entrance hole. While Internal sound is to persuade them to stay and to make nests. The answer is both are equally important.
If you concentrated only on External sound and didn’t pay much attention to Internal sound then you are losing out 50%.
You need both to make it up to 100%. It is very simple “like I had always said you don’t have to be a genius to figure things out”. All must be in balance that is what I call Stable Condition Environment, that included sound system. Internal Sound is part of the Bh Stable Condition Environment. Try to start a new Bh without sound and see what happen? You could do that probably 20-30 years ago but not now.
For example: A Bh has a very good Rh averagely 85% without much fluctuation but the Temperature is 35C in the noon and 25C at night. Do you thing this Bh is going to attract birds?
You already have the answer.
So both the Rh & Temp have to work hand in hand complementing each other at 85% and 28C stable then there would be plenty of birds coming to stay.
This also applies to Sound (internal) the same way, if you concentrate on External sound only and neglected Internal sound your Bh it is going to be like concentrating on Rh and neglecting temperature or via versa.
It cannot Be Taken Lightly if you want to be a successful Swiftlet farmer.
Hope you guys understand!
Good Swiftlet Farming All!