Most who wanted to start a farm always believe their ideas or their techniques and their skills are of the best. This is a very normal and common reaction as we all always have high confidence in ourselves otherwise we won't be investing into this Switlet farming business knowing that the failed farm ratio of 80/20.
Having good spirit and good ideas are not enough. To have a successful farm it takes more than this. In Swiflet farming one needs to have a good understanding of how to make or design a farm that liked by Swiftlets otherwise the farm you had built will not be inhibited by Swiftlets.
Simply making one because there are materials around or spaces available to improvise it will not make a farm that will attract birds. Doing this way is more of satisfying own creativity rather than building a successful farm. Therefore there are so many unsuccessful farms.
Swiftlet farming is a long term investment , 2 t0 10 yrs or beyond, it may takes up to few years before you could see the result , provided your are on the right track and have the skills.
There is no turning back in this business and you can not afford rooms for error. If possible do it right the 1st time. I do understand it is not easy to do something without error the 1st time if one do not have the required skills. But it could be done if it is guided by someone who has the in dept knowledge about farming & farm design.
The best part of Swiftlet Farming is that all sorts of ideas could be incorporated into farming when one believes it works or it could attract Swiftlets.
Good luck...................