(Would you want a big farm?)
With such successful rate more & more people are investing into Swiftlet farming hoping that they would get a fair share of this lucrative business.
Those were the days, wooden farms, farms that simply sealed up windows with boards, second hand unwanted woods use as nesting planks, small store rooms were used, etc all these shabby works & materials used still do not deterred birds to build nest. This is because the numbers of farm still low compared to the numbers of bird. Such simply made farms that do not have the right design & conditions that liked by birds would be hard to success now..
As time goes by more and more farms were built and some are using state of art technology being internally or exterior of the farm. At the same time more shabby type of farms were built too. This pushes up the numbers of farms in Malaysia to approximately 60-70k units as today.
As the number of farms increases , people are finding hard to attract birds into their farms. Some even questioned why I had spent so much money & used the best equipments internally and best material for the building and yet my farm fails.(Successful farm)
For those who had started earlier and had succeeded when they confidently building another one they faced the similar problems. They wonder why their 1st farm can attract so many birds and can harvest good kgs per months when a duplicated (100% ) farm was made its result was totally opposite. Why? What has gone wrong?
Those who continued to flourish from this lucrative business , having one successful farm after another are those who understand how a good farm should be made. This group of people are those who are observant, experience, knowledgeable,etc.( Do you dare to invest in such big way?)
It needs lots of thinking. Not surprising that there are still lots people out there that believe as long there is a hole made on the wall the birds will fly in. For those who probably think deeper would thought a hole on wall plus adding some birds sound then birds will fly in. Definitely it need more than this. If it is so easy then the failed rate won't be at 80/20.
In order to have a good farm one must understand some of the example stated below:
1) Experiences & understanding of traditional old farm & new farm.
2) Location of farm, Inland that are nearer to mountain & those located near beach, sea & river. Both concept are different, If you mixed up "disastrous".
3) Experiences in farm that had harvested good kgs and farm that hardly have 30 nests in a year. (observe)
4) Understand the behaviour of Swiftlet. ( how they fly, how they mate, how.......etc....).
5) Physical shape of farm (new building).
6) Material of farm ( internal & Exterior).
7) Internal Design of farm.
8)Understand the type of entrance hole for different farms & different locations.
9) Micro environment ( most know about it , commonly applied eg. Temp , Rh,etc).
10) Macro environment (most know about it, basic eg . location, food chain,etc).
Most concentrated and banged heavily on the last 2 which is 9 & 10. Imagine if you are going for an exam and you only get 2 correct out of 10 then would you pass the exam? 20 marks over 100 would you still get A or B? If your answer is yes then good luck.
The above are only a fraction of the knowledge that one needed to know in order to have a successful farm. It is only 5 % perhaps less . There are many more that I can not finish writing here.
Hope this would help.
Well, Good Luck!