I received a call from my reader asking for opinion. His farm is located in the north of Selangor. This farm is DIY by him.
“Hi, James I have problems with my farm the birds are not staying and the number of birds that come to play is reducing everyday and they don’t stay”.
“Mr. Y how is the condition of your farm? Is the micro Ok?”
“James, everything is perfect. There is nothing wrong with my farm but the birds just don’t stay.”
The moment Mr. Y says everything is perfect, thru my experiences of having visited countless failed farms I could sense that his farm is not perfect. I am confident to bet with him 1 to 1000 that his farm is not perfect.
There is no smoke if there is no fire. In this case Mr.Y already seen smoke (birds not staying) but he can’t find the fire as he has no experience in where and how to find the fire. If you can’t find the fire how can you put it off? Even you have the best fire extinguisher it is useless.
I prompted him further, how is the design of your farm? Mr. Y replied “I don’t see any problem with my farm as the design is standard one like most”
I was shocked to hear “Standard Design”? I asked myself is there a standard design in Swiftlets Farming…? Ha..ha..ha….ha….(sorry)….ha..ha
As I think further Mr. Y has got a point there on that Standard Design.
I guess his standard design means that his farm was like most of the farms out there.. What he didn’t notice or realize was most farms out there are failed farms (80% failed). So his farm’s design is like most farms out there therefore his farm was designed to be failed.
As I was writing his farm is already failed otherwise he wouldn’t had seek for solution.
Why Mr. Y strongly believes that his farm is in perfect condition? His conclusion on everything is perfect was derived from his own perception of what he knows. This is solely his opinion. In this case he knows very little but he thought he knows everything. .
To him this is call perfect farm but to others it may be different. From here it shows that there are still many things he needs to learn.
On the other hand he believes he has constructed a perfect farm. The conclusion is, if he had constructed a perfect farm then there wouldn’t be Smoke..
There are many farmers out there had seen smoke but they don’t know where it came from. Even if they had found the fire they do not know how to put it off.
There are also some that don’t even know there is smoke in there farm.
Hope he has learned something from this experience and never repeat it again.
Good Farming and Good Luck!