The purpose of partitioning in farm is to create a good Micro. Partition prevents the flow of air movement. It also helps to reduce light density in farm. One could also use partition to create a smooth flying path.
.Before you want to make use of the above to your advantage make sure you know how and where the partition should be placed. These included the high, width, length and so on. If it is done incorrectly it would cause more harm than good.
.I had seen many failed farms one of the problems facing by them is erecting the partition at the wrong place and using the wrong sizes of partitions. This restricts the flying path of birds in farm thus making population increase slow, slow nest growth, dead of young birds and so on.
.This common mistake was made even by those who have been long enough in swiftlets farming industry. You could see it clearly if you visit farms or even on pictures posted on the Web. Aren’t these people known what they are doing? They don’t even know the basic of Swiftlets flying path then how could they build a successful farm for you if you engage them to do.
.One of the basic good examples would be … if you read Dr. Negroho's book (respectable pioneer of swiftlet farming) “Breeding swiftlet in Farm House”. It is clearly indicated birds fly about 1-2 ft from walls in a circular manner and seldom roam the middle section .Yet when these so called expert erect partition s they still place the door or the exit (access way) is in the middle of the partition. This making it hard for the birds to maneuver to the centre of the partition and birds may bang on it. Once the birds encountered difficulty to access these section especially young birds they will never come back. If other farms provide better access in term of flying path then all birds will migrate there.
By understanding the flying route it would help when erecting partitions. Sad to say most if not all so called experience people in this field have little knowledge about this.
Picture B shows the partition erected has an access way/door in the middle for birds to fly thru. This is no correct as it affects the flying route of the birds making flying difficult. Birds need to take a sharper turn in order to fly thru the door in the middle which is not their flying route. This is a common mistake made by many that included so call experts. The results slow growth, decrease population, etc ended up fail farm.
Picture C, shows the correct way the access way/door should be placed at the side. The size varies according to the design of the farm. Some farms designs do not require partition to be erected. Because during designing stage the designer has taken into consideration of the Micro. So every sections of the farm is inter related that affect one another .With this in mind the partitioning is not required.
.These are the very basic knowledge of creating a good and successful swiflets farm and yet as time goes by there are thousand farms repeating the same mistake over and over again. Therefore it is not surprised to see failed farms stood at 80% fail. Even if you attend certain seminars it still teaches you the same mistake.
.This is just one out of hundred of criteria of creative a good macro for Swiftlet farm. Imagine if you can’t even get the basic right then how could you go futher?.......Many Sifus didn’t know about this because it’s quite technical and it needs lots of understanding in Swiftlet flying behaviors. Furthermore it is not easy. When I first read about Dr. Negro’s book many years ago. I told myself this doesn’t make sense in fact some very successful farms are having the same access way in the middle.
.As I observed further and thoroughly understand the whole concept then I realized those successful farms should have done even better if they had placed the partition at the correct place.
.That’s all for now on 1% of Swiftlet flying path, hopefully I shall write more about it in near future, perhaps the other 99%.
.Lastly never repeat the same mistake twice. But in Swiftlet farming it is norm to do things wrongly and repeating them seem to be part of the challenges.
.Good Farming All!
If you want to know more you may James ; 012-3173811