No New is Good News. This is the sms I received yesterday.
One of my disciples from Mentakab sms me, I haven’t heard from him for quite a while except frequently sending Love potion to him. He groups his order together with few of his friends so that they could save on freight charges.
He used to call me and ask for advice if I could remember it was almost 2 years back when his farm has less than 200 nests and that was the time he started to use Love Potion.
I have visited his farm last year and had written about it (if I could remember). Yesterday I was very happy to have read his sms . The sms as follows:
Dear Sir,
No asking question means good news. Asking many questions means bad news. Sorry for not calling lately. Mr.S and I shared the Love Potion he bought. After 19 months of using Love Potion my nests count nearing 1000.
The best feeling is not what you have achieved. It is what you have taught and what you have done that helped others to achieve their goals.
I guess I won’t be so happy If I hit 1000 nests in 19 months but seeing others hitting 1000 nests in 19 months applying my way and techniques of farming and using the product that I invented double up my joy.
Good Swiftlet Farming All. The Best is to Share!