This is what I received on the New Year of 2010. A Reader which is also user of Love Potion called me to wish me Happy New Year and thank me for creating Love Potion. That is not all he informed me about something he had done which he thinks he is very smart initially eventually regretted. This is what most in the Swiftlets Farming industry would have thought and done the same.
“James, Happy New Year. I’m Mr. W of Bintulu. Thank you for inventing the Love Potion. Love Potion is Very good! My nests had increased from 50 nests to 148 nests in 7 months after using Love potion. I want to order ... bottle of Love Potion. Do you have them in stock?”
“Mr. W, I’m happy to hear that. I have not heard from you for a while. So now your nests will hit 200 in no time”...
“James, I don’t think so. Recently the number of nests didn’t increase much”.
“Mr. W, why? What happened? You must have done something to your farm am I right?”
“Yes James. After reaching 145 nests after the 6 month I stop using Love Potion. I thought once the number of nests has increased I don’t have to do anything anymore and stop applying Love potion and just goyang kakiI I was dam wrong.”
Well this is what Mr.W had experienced. In fact he is not the only one I am sure there are many out there would have done the same.
As I had mentioned before Swiftlets Farming is a process of continuous maintenance. The farm has to be managed well in a continuous manner. Continuously doing things that help increase nests. We cannot stop at any point when we feel comfortable. If you stop your income will stop too.
For example, let’s say your farm Rh is 55% and you don’t see many nests and the nests are cracking. So you increase the Rh by installing sprinkler, Humidifier, etc. Then your Rh reaches 85%. After few months your nests quality improved No more cracks on nests. So what do you do SWICTH OFF THE SPRINGLKLER and HUMIDIFIER and let the RH drop back to 55%? Turned off everything that is what most farmers would do.
After using Love Potion for months the birds would have adapted and conditioned to the aroma of Love Potion the number of nests increased then they will stop using. Aren’t the more nests the better? If it could increase from 148 to 1480 nests then why want to stop them. Isn’t Swiftlet farming is an investment which should yield returns. If it is yes, then the more returns the better. It is about continuous keeping the good micro that you had created to condition the birds to stay and keep making nests but after created such good micro I just don’t understand why most would try to destroy it.
What most farmers had done don’t make sense. That is why 80% farms failed. I call this Comfort Zone, once the number of nest reaches certain level the farmer would goes into Auto Stop Everything Mode. No more Aroma, no more sound, etc. In fact I like seeing them going into Auto Stop Everything MODE because this is the time they create opportunity for others to capture all their birds.
Once your farm has reached certain number of nests you have to push it further multiplying the population taking the opportunity of the intense growth. Capturing as many birds as possible, if it reaches 50 try to push it up to 100, then to 200 then 400, then to 800, then to 1500 and so on not stopping everything or stop using aroma or whatever. When the number is going up why want to stop them?
If you stop them then they will go to other farm. Bear in mind there are hundreds of farm coming up each day. If you can’t keep your Micro well with good Aroma other farm would.
Good Farming All..