Here is a gadget that is useful for those who want to know the volume or level of loudness of sound their farms generating from its external tweeters.
Even though most council guidelines are 40db for chirping sound from external tweeters but we all knew it is absolutely ridicules because 40db is equivalent to a normal sound level of 2 people talking softly. Coffee shop atmosphere would be easily 70-100db and above.
So if you don’t want to disturb your neighbors and to prevent the people from the council to check on your farm you better set your volume right. With the sound meter you would know the db reading.
Some may ask what the correct reading db for farm is. Well it depends if the sound quality of the external sound is crystal clear and sharp then you don’t need to set the volume very high as sharp sound could travel very far.
If the sound quality is poor then you may need to set the volume higher but higher volume would disturb others.
I don’t believe in sound war where everybody trying to outperformed each other by setting the volume as high as possible. For me the right volume of the external sound should be comfortable to our ears when we are in the roving area .If it’s create discomfort to our ears then it is too loud.
I always believe in quality, no point of setting the volume high where it can’t attract birds. The louder the better is a myth.
I often heard few farms in a same area using the same sound which the owners themselves didn’t notice. Some of these sounds are not cheap. This is the works of duplicate or copy and sells. In such situation which farms do the birds suppose to go? All are using the same sound whose farms to choose?
Birds will be flying to farm that plays different sound from those that sharing the same one. Birds will be attracted to sound that is not commonly played. This is the natural behavior of swiftlets therefore it is common to see hundred of birds come to play whenever a new sound is played.
Good farming all!