More and more people are going into Swiftlet farming. Look at the pictures above it comes in all sizes from small to Mega huge. These are only few pictures of hundred I have.
As I travel I had seen all sorts of farms, sometimes I was wondering what all these owners have in their mind. For sure one thing they all have in common is to make money from Swiflet farming being influenced and motivated by the good returns which they heard.
Have they ever thought what if they fail? Have they ever thought what if their investments would not yield good returns?
Or have they ever thought that the farms they build actually will not attract birds. It could be anything because in Swiftlet farming anything is possible.
Swiftlet farming is unlike other trades which monetary motivation would keep you going and thus helps one to do better in the trade.
It is all about passion and the love for Swiftlets “The Birds First” then money will follows. But most would be motivated by money first then later passion or perhaps none at all.
It doesn’t work that way. There might be many disagree with me but I am a strong believer that passion is above all. I started off with the Love for Swiftlet and never thought of the lucrative side of this business then eventually the good returns came.
Those who are monetary motivated will give up easily or try to cut loses if they see their investments heading nowhere. They would try to dispose off their farms by selling it away to cut loses. I have seen many of such cases.
One of those cases was in S.P. A farm has been operated for 4 years and it has only 50 nests. The owner told me that he wants to dispose it off as he sees no returns. He asked me to help him to sell his farm for him. So I went and visit the farm to have a clear picture of it.
The farm was badly built by him…I am sure for such standard he was lucky to have 50 nests in 4 years. I advised him to revamp his farm as I see his farm is very potential if the whole design is to be changed. Of course there will be some hacking and there shall be cost involved.
But he reluctant to do so as he replied “I won’t want to invest further as I see 4 years no returns that’s about it, cut lost like stock market. Anyway I am here for the money if no money in 4 years then why should I dump in more money?”
That was his wish. I found a buyer who is also a friend of mine for him. The deal got thru of course at a very good price. I did the revamp for my friend after he had bought it. My friend who is also quite knowledgeable in Swiftlet farming manages the farm well.
As of today exactly 1 and a half year after taking over the failed farm the nest count is 650 nests.
So you see the differences between getting involved for the love of Swiftlet farming and getting involved because of money motivated.
Many may not agree with me but that is my stand and that has made what I am today having very..Very.. Good harvest every month.