Selfish, jealousy, envy, greedy, etc are part of life. We can not run away from it other than accepting it and making sure all these unhealthy and bad behaviors doesn’t influenced us or not in us.
Anything, every where, any businesses, etc that included Swiftlet farming can not escape from such act of bad behavior. Luckily not all farmers are like that only a handful. But this handful is enough to put the whole Swiftlets industry in jeopardy. It is just like “A drop of ink in a bucket of milk”, imagine how the bucket of milk would look like afterward?
Not long a go a reader of mine had told me. He explained, before he ventured into the Swiftlet farming business there is a good friend of him (a childhood friend till now) who had invested in Swiftlet farming had always discouraged him not to go into this business.
Sighted, Swiftlet farming is a waste of time, the risk is too high and the return was too slow. He even cried if he knew he wouldn’t have got involved and if given a chance he wouldn’t want to touch this Swiftlet farming business.
Every time they meet after months or years this was his message to my reader. “I am telling you the truth since you are my best friend never touch this business”.
As the conversation goes on it seemed that this best friend of my reader accidentally revealed how he had acquire more farms from 1 farm 3 years ago and now 5 farms.
5 years later when they meet again the best friend of my reader still cried about his poor investment in Swiftlet farming and still strongly discourage my reader to get involve.
This time the best friend of my readers had a total of 10 farms. His best friend still cried Swiftlet farming is a poor and lousy investment. A year later my reader heard from his best friend’s uncle now he has 14 farms and more farms coming which under construction.
What a good friend my reader had? If Swiftlet farming is a lousy investment why my reader’s best friend who had always advise him not to touch this business but himself had invested from 1 farm to 14 farms in 8 years time.
Some people just don’t want others to get involve, as the saying goes “more men fewer shares less men more share”.
Even though the birds in the sky don’t belong to them yet if you manage to capture a pair to your farm they will feel uneasy. Yes, there are these types of people around. There are plenty of them in Swiftlet farming. Beware of them.
Some will strongly advise you not to use certain equipments or products that have been proven in their farms that produced superb results in enhancing nests growth and bird population. To them what is good is only for their farms not yours. They won’t want to see you having a successful farm. Their mentality is that why should I share my idea and advise you? What reward would I get? Even you are their so called best friend. Think...About it!
As long they could prevent you from acquiring knowledge , prevent you from knowing more, prevent you from using the right product and equipment, prevent you from using the right Aroma, prevent you from using a good sound and the list can goes on they are happy.
If your farm turned up better than theirs and you are better than them in terms of knowledge or whatsoever then it will be back fire.
They won’t tell you that their cd sound could attract thousands of birds even if it does because you may as him to duplicate a copy for you.
They won’t tell you what Aroma they are using even if you accidentally saw them bought it. To counter what you have seen they will criticize that Aroma to the max to making sure you won’t use it.
Trust me there are many like that in Swiftlet farming. If you had been long enough in Swiftlet farming you will get what I mean.
After having said all these make sure we don’t follow what they did. As farm as I am concerned let them have all those bad and unhealthy behaviors. They can have it all if they want.
I always believe in helping others and sharing otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this blog till today.
Do good you will get rewarded with many nests not failed farm. Don’t envy, don’t be greedy and so on.
Good Luck and Good farming!