A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN LEARN INVALUEBLE SWIFTLET FARMING KNOWLEDGE. Scroll Down for Swiftlet Farming Articles & Products. 一個您可以學到無价的燕屋農場知識的地方。移下去可以讀到更多關於燕屋農場的文章和張貼.
Interested in the below Products? For LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & AGENCY please contact swifjames@yahoo.com

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets
59 Jalan Tabla 33/21, Shah Alam Technology Park 40400 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia.Tel 012.3173811 Business Hour: By Appointment. 只限预约。




More Powerful Than Before. Leading In Hormone Aroma 比以前更加強大。在激素香氣中領先.

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam
Explaining how to use Love Potion effectively to increase Nests & Birds Population to user of Love Potion


Want your new farm to have many birds to stay and to build nests in the shortest period of time.Use LOVE POTION. It has the odor ( hormone) that makes birds get into mating mood.It also helps to increase birds population of old farm.For those farms that the numbers of nests has not increased the Love Potion would help. It is so powerful that even without the Nesting Planks the Swiftlets still eager to stay and make nests. The above picture shows most birds are in pair. It indicates that most are in mating mood. Interested email swifjames@yahoo.com. TESTED & PROVEN! Only limited quantity available. 要您的新燕屋農場有許多燕子停留和修造窝在最短的时期。用Love Potion。 它的氣味(激素)能令燕子有交配的心情。它也幫助增加旧的燕屋農場增加燕子群。能為那些燕窝数量未增加的燕屋農場也能使用Love Potion来幫助增加。 是很有強力的甚而沒有板條燕子也很熱切的停留和做窝。 上面的圖片展示多数燕子是一對一對的。 它表明多數的燕子是有交配的心情。 感興趣的请发電子郵件swifjames@yahoo.com。 已被測試和被证明的! 存货有限。For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


The New Packing Swiftlet farming Love Potion is in 2 liter bottle with security sealed sticker at the cap. The New bottle is specially designed for convenience and easy use with Sprayer Gun. Remove cap and lock on Sprayer Gun and it’s ready to use.No hassle of pouring into Spray Pump and it saves money, you don’t need to buy Spray Pump. The purchase of every 2 bottles comes with a free industry grade powerful Sprayer Gun that could spray up to a distance of 10-12 ft. Designed to reach the ceiling, planks, entrance hole, inter-hole and the high roving area.To get the New Love Potion please contact James: 012-3173811 or email: swifjames@yahoo.com 新Love Potion的包裝是一個2公升瓶,有安全密封的貼紙在瓶蓋上。 它比早先的包裝更多500ml。 (如果安全密封是破壞,千萬不要購買) 。2公升瓶是特地為方便和容易使用而设计的,它有噴霧槍。除去瓶蓋,然後鎖上噴霧槍就可以立即使用。 再也不必麻煩的把Love Potion倒入其他浪花泵浦,而且它也不浪費金錢,您不需要再買一個浪花泵浦。 凡購買2瓶,就送一個工業級有強力的噴霧槍。這個噴霧槍可以噴洒到距離10-12英尺的地方。 它是特地為噴到天花板、板條、入口孔、互連孔和高的環繞區而設計的。要買到新的Love Potion,請与James斯联系: 012-3173811或電子郵件:For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


តោះ ចូលរួមជាមួយខ្ញុំដើម្បីរៀនអំពីបច្ចេកទេសក្នុងការសាង់សង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំដែលជោគជ័យ។​ វគ្គសិក្សានេះ សិក្សាលំអិតស៊ីជំរៅ​លើសពីកំរិតមូលដ្ឋាន​ និងមិនដែលបាន​បង្រៀននៅក្នុងសិក្ខាសាលាផ្សេងៗពីមុនទេ។ សិក្ខាសាលានេះ នឹងសិក្សាចាប់តាំងពីចំនុចសំខាន់ក្នុងគម្រោងសាងសង់ផ្ទះ ច្រកសត្វហោះចូល បចេ្ចកទេសធ្វើអោយសំបុកធំ ហើយមានពណ៌ស​ រហូតដល់ជាពិសេសគឺវិធីទាក់ទាញសត្វអោយធ្វើសំបុកក្នុងរយះពេល 100 ថ្ងៃ។ ​ ជាមួយនឹងគំនិតច្នៃប្រឌិតថ្មីៗ​ ដែលឆ្លងកាត់ការស្រាវជ្រាវនិងការវិវឌ្ឍន៍​ជាច្រើនទសវត្សរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្ញុំនឹងចែករំលែកគំនិតនិងរូបមន្តសំងាត់ដែលជួយឱ្យក្តីសុបិន្តផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំរបស់អ្នកក្លាយជាការពិត។ នេះគឺជាសិក្ខាសាលាពិសេស សម្រាប់អ្នកដែលកំពុងស្វែងរកភាពជោគជ័យ និងចង់ទទួលបានចំនេះដឹងនិងជំនាញពិតហើយត្រឹមត្រូវក្នុងការសាងសង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំ។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើ នៅសណ្ឋាគារ​ Sunway​ ភ្នំពេញ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា នាថ្ងៃទី 9-10 ខែមិនា ឆ្នាំ2019។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើឡើងជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស និងភាសាខ្មែរ។​

Swiflet Farm Using Love Potion together with Gs-9/Hypno-5

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)
A Powerful Hormone Aroma specially formulated to increase birds’ population and nests growth for New and Old Swiftlet farms. The scent helps to retain young birds & attract them stay and make nests. Tested and Proven since 2008. Trusted and used by Swiftlet farms throughout South East Asia. Use immediately after every harvest. Effectively repels unfavorable smell in Bh. Invented by Swiftlet farmer for Swiftlet farms. Packing: 2ltr. Free Spray gun for every purchase of 2 bottles. Call: 012-3173811. 有強力的荷爾蒙芳香特別地為新和舊的燕屋農場增加燕子的群和燕窩的成長而啓發的。 它的氣味幫助保留小的燕子和 吸引它們逗留並且做燕窩。自2008年以來就已被測試和证明。 被東南亞各地的燕屋農場信賴和使用。 在每個收穫之後的立刻使用。 有效的排斥在燕屋農場裏不被喜愛的氣味。由養燕人爲養燕人發明的。 包裝:2ltr. 凡買2瓶就送一個噴霧槍。 打電話: 012-3173811.

从Love Potion 的用户

今天早上我從運輸者受到了5箱的Love Potion。 我是非常擔心Love Potion没货的。
谢谢您保證我的订单在週末之前到達。 我的工人需要在收穫以後使用它的。
在用Love Potion以后燕窝增加了。 我未曾看过這樣巨大的增加在燕窝的公斤量。
當您再回來太平时請打电话给我。 我要请您吃晚餐,並且进一步談論關於燕窝出口和贸易。
Y.先.......... ..... ......
燕窝處理和貿易商 .



1) Spray on planks turn Spray nozzle to MIST SPRAY.1-3 burst is good enough for planks especially at the corner boards. / 噴灑在木板上,把噴灑頭鑽成噴霧,按1-3 次就夠了,特別是在壁角板上.

2) Spraying on wall 1-2 ft below nesting planks turn Spray nozzle to sharp spray. Spray zigzag lines as you walk. Let the it drips from the walls. Spray at Roving area, Nesting area, Inter-holes, entrance holes, (80% on walls 20% on Planks) / 噴灑在牆壁上,在木板1-2尺之下,把噴灑頭鑽成噴尖。一直走一直噴。讓它慢慢滴下來。也噴在環繞區,造窩區,互聯洞,入口洞,(80%噴在牆壁,20%噴在木板)
3) Spray after each harvest or after your have entered the farm. 在在每次收穫之後噴或者每一次您進入燕屋農場之後

4) Pour into Humidifier (chicken coop type) 也可以倒入噴霧機 (雞寮性)

5) If you can’t finish 1 bottle for 1 floor it means you have not sprayed enough.1 bottle good for 1400sf 如果您在一層樓用不完一瓶那就是說您噴的不夠。一瓶是足夠1400方尺

6) Shake bottle well before use. 把瓶子搖均勻才用

7)DO NOT MIX WATER (do not dilute) 不必參水 (不可以彫稀)

8)Use once every 3 weeks. 每三的星期用一次


New Hypnotic Sound " Gezillion Star" Interested to have this Sound Call 012-3173811



燕屋設計、屋内环境、aroma、光度、飛行道, 间接等等是否正確?
讓我帮助和勸告您如何解決您的問題, 成为一个完美和燕子喜歡的燕屋農場。 我將教您如何解決問題和改正差錯。因此,今后當您碰见任何燕屋農場問題时,您將會解決它。


B-52 External Sound

Friday, August 29, 2014


If you are looking for a place for food, birds nests and birds nests cosmetic products this is the place you should visit. Located at Sunway Prima, Petaling Jaya.

It has operated for many years. For those who are not into birds nests may not notice it. It would be like just another ordinary bistro or restaurant. Not all patrons come here for birds nests. They come here for lunch too. I had my Wanton Mee here surprisingly not bad. Besides serving many different types of delicious birds nests they serve other food too.

There is  beauty shop sited inside the restaurant. You wouldn't miss it. It can be easily seen. They have quite a big range of cosmetic products. All are related to birds nests. It contains birds nests collagen which scientifically proven  prevent ageing and maintain youthful looks. Isn't that great?

Now you could clearly see Swiftlet farming in not just about raring birds and cleaning nests. There are many segments one could go into. Most important......you must have the LOVE for it  and passion counts.

Enjoy the pictures.

如果你正在尋找一個有食物,有燕窝和有燕窝化妝品產品,這就是你應該去參觀的地方。位於Sunway Prima,八打靈。





祝大家有好燕屋农场 !

Good Swiftlet farming all!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

留下羽毛在地上但是沒有屍體!Feathers Left On The Floor With No Carcasses!




親愛的 James




至於那些失蹤的燕窝,貓頭鷹已被排除。貓頭鷹不吃燕窩。換句話說,它們是肉食動物。只是吃肉。他們獵食鳥類、 老鼠、 小蜥蜴等。

經常失踪的燕窝是蟑螂、 老鼠、 螞蟻等等的作品。

貓頭鷹通常是吞食它的猎物然后吐出消化不良系統引起的呕吞物。有許多羽毛在照片往往也許是老鼠或者是麝香貓 (Musang)。我們遇过很多同樣的問題。





養燕是关于創造一个好和安全的環境给燕子,以便更多的燕子將留下做燕窝。因此,每月的維護工作(害蟲控制)清除燕子屎,使用螞蟻毒和蟑螂毒、 老鼠药等等。它是一个继续的努力。如果你做完了所有這些你會看到好的結果。

祝大家有好的燕屋農場 !


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Feathers Left On The Floor With No Carcasses!

What causes the missing nests? Dead birds with only feathers left on the floor with no carcasses? These were the questions Mr.D was looking for. 

The number of nests reduced and less birds. What has caused this? He seeks my advice and wanting to know the reason behind it.

Below is the email and pictures I received from Mr.D. 

Dear James,

I am totally devastated and keep myself calm as my BH has been attacked by some sort of animals. It has seriously eaten the bird and scared all of them  away. My BH is empty now. My BH is about 5 years old with a harvest of  3 kg / month.  I was advised , it might be rats or owls, but I can't determine which because what I found  was feathers on the floor but  no carcass of  the birds. If owls attacked my BH they would leave behind the carcass right?I took some  pictures for your reference and hope you could help me determine which animal has attacked my BH and how am I going to prevent it. Btw,  the nests are missing too. It's going to take a longer time for the bird to come back. Please help. 

Thousand thanks,

 (  Nests missing from the planks)

As for the missing nests Owl has been ruled out. Owls don't eat nests. They are carnivorous in other words..meat eater. They hunt on birds, mouse, smal lizard,etc.

Often the missing nests is the work of  cockroaches, rat ,ants,etc.  

Owl swallows its catches and they vomit pallets which caused by their indigestion systems. With many feathers as shown in the pictures often it is the work of rats perhaps civet cats ( Musang). We have encountered many of the same problems.

Once you have observed this immediate action has to be taken to prevent further damage. A thorough Pest control works is recommended.  Rat poison, cockroaches poison,etc all are applied in the Swiftlet farm. Before the Pest control the farm has to be cleaned. Removing all feathers from the floor. 1-2 weeks later to check again. If there are no more feathers on the floor then it shows the predators have been exterminated.

Sometimes it could be both, Rats and Owls. Successful farms having thousand of nests inside and you can imaging the birds dropping of an inches thick. It is very dirty inside if you are not observant enough you may unable to notice the traces left behind by Predators.

(Feathers on the walls too)

As I had said before, all signs or traces in your farm indicate something. Be observant, all signs and traces will lead to something.

Swiftlet farming is all about creating a good and a safe environment for the birds so that more birds will stay and build nests. Therefore a monthly maintenance ( Pest control) clearing bird shit, applying ants and cockroaches poison, rat poison, etc. It is a continuing effort. If you have done all these you will see good result.

Good Swiftlet farming All


Friday, August 22, 2014

改造後燕窝有極大的增加 Tremendous Increase of Nests after Revamp


在此之前他哭着需要帮忙 "不是很多燕子,燕子没有住下,我應該做什么,我應該等待嗎?"

他要我的忠告。我向他解釋,成功燕屋农场主要的關鍵取決於許多因素,但是最基本的4个因素是 1)对燕子的行為有深入的了解 (這將會帮助您控制內部的因素) 2)使用正確類型的香氣。3)使用的合適的聲音。4)使用正確的高音揚聲器和放大器。

這个燕屋农场開始運作幾乎已經有3年的时间 了。在第1和第2年的时候,幾乎没有燕窝,只是三两个燕窝,如果我没記错的话。

L先生看到我的部博格後,打電話給我。他是对Love Potion有興趣的。他希望這能帮他的燕屋农场吸引更多的燕子。我告訴他 "L先生,你可以試一瓶或兩瓶,然后自己看看"。然後你可以自己決定是否繼續使用它或者其他方式。从他认识Love Potion之前,他用过許多類型的香氣,但是最后仍然沒有看到燕窝和燕子。

使用Love Potion之后,他自己目睹了結果。L先生立即邀請我去參觀他的燕屋農場。他想要我的專業知識,他想要我帮助他把燕窝的增長推進一步。

一个20x802層的獨立燕屋農場位於沿海地區,從哥打京那巴魯大約45分鐘車程。這个燕屋农场選擇了一个屋頂開放式的設計。燕屋农场的設計不當。現在我的責任是創造更好的環境 (重新設計它的內部),这將吸引更多的燕子留下來和做燕窝。







改造之後,燕子们再也不害怕飞入这个燕屋农场。有了这个Love Potion的誘人香味激素的香氣。燕子们永遠不會再有另外一个念头......,它的本能就是進入这个燕屋农场做燕窝。

L先生絕妙的主意。 吊掛了一瓶Love Potion在入口洞來吸引年輕的燕子飞入。這是一個完美的策略。現在您可以區分一個成功和一個失敗的燕屋农场。不要失望,你也可以把你的燕屋农场扭轉过来,如果你想要的话......还等什麼呢?

Love Potion被滴入一台喷雾器,這樣激素氣味能填充整個燕屋农场。幼燕子愛死它了。自然的,它會觸發它們進入交配的心情。通常在一個燕屋农场里使用了Love Potion之后,你可以看到燕子在追逐另外一只燕子。


Love Potion的瓶子在L先生的燕屋农场,準備好用來吸引幼燕子)。

塑膠片被铺在地板上。我已经叫L先生把它们拿掉。有了塑膠片,我們真的可以看到使用Love Potion之前和之後的差異。




(浸泡了Love Potion的沙爹棒,作用还不错)。



(另来一個燕窝被建在沙爹棒上,已被噴灑了Love Potion)。


所以最重要的事情是: 用合適的人來改造你的燕屋農場,使用正確的香氣、 使用的正確的聲音和使用正確的放大器和高音喇叭。


祝大家有好的燕屋農場 !

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tremendous Increase of Nests after Revamp

It was an unexpected turn of event for Mr.L of Sabah. Six months after my revamp  last month Mr.L harvested 1.5kg. That was the biggest harvest he had ever done. 

Before this he cried for help "not many birds, birds just don't stay, what should I do, should I wait?"

He called for my advice. I explained to him the key to a successful swiftlet farm lies on many factors but the 4 most essential ones are 1) In-dept Knowledge of Swiftlet Behavior  ( That would help you to control the internal factors) 2) Using the Correct type of Aroma. 3) Using the suitable sound. 4) Using the correct Tweeters and Amplifiers. 

This Swiftlet farm has started operation for almost 3 years now. The 1st and 2nd year, practically it has nothing just couple of nests if I could recall.

Mr.L called me after he saw my blog. He is interested in Love Potion. He hope this would help his farm to attract more birds. I told him " Mr.L you could try a bottle or two and see it yourself". Then you could decide whether to continue using it or otherwise. Before  he came to know Love Potion he had used many types of Aroma but still ended up  seeing no nests and birds.  

After using Love Potion and witnessed the result himself. Mr.L immediately invited me to visit his Swiftlet farm. He wants my expertise, He wants me to help to push up the nests growth further.

( Picture after Vent holes were covered)

A 20 x 80, 2 storey standalone Swiftlet farm located at a coastal area about 45 minutes drive from Kota Kinabalu. This Swiftlet farm opted for a Open roof design. The farm is poorly designed. Now my duty is to create a better environment ( redesign the internal) that will attract more birds to stay and build nests.

I see great potential in this farm. Sadly the Internal control is poor. Too many Vent-holes. We reduced the Vent- hole to 40 % leaving 2 wind brick blocks per column.  Adding partitions at the roving area and nesting areas to reduce the glare.

The External and Internal sound were changed. A specially remixed B52-extreme version 8 external sound was used and P-9 extreme version 5 internal sound for attracting young birds to make nests.

The Hi-Nests Amplifiers and GS18 tweeters were used to synchronize with the external sound and internal sound to create the best effect to hypnotize and lure young birds to flying in to the farm and build nests at the shortest period of time.

( Vent-holes covered)

The result after all have been done, 6 months after the revamp hundred of birds hoovering and visiting this farm daily. What is the secret??????? Well...you could do the same too...see pictures below you would know the secret.

( View from the open roof)
After the revamp, birds no longer fear to dive into the farm. With the inviting scent of Hormone Aroma of Love Potion. The birds never make second thought....the instinct was to head into the farm to build nests.

Brilliant Idea from Mr.L.  hangs a bottle of Love Potion at the entrance hole to attract young birds to fly in.
That is a perfectly executed strategy. Now you could differentiate between a successful farmer and a failed one. Don't be disappointed you could turn around your farm too if you want ...why wait?

Love Potion is dripped in to a humidifier so that the Hormone scent could fill the entire farm. The young birds love it. Naturally it would trigger them to go into mating mood. Often after Love Potion has been used in a farm you could see birds chasing one and another.

(If you haven't tried the dripper  you should get one seeing is believing)

(Bottles of Love Potion at Mr.L's farm ready to be used to attract young birds.)

Plastic sheets have been used to cover the floor. I've asked Mr.L to remove them. With the plastic sheet we could really see the differences between before and after using Love Potion.

(Nest built above a satay stick.)

(New nests markings are filling up all corners. Mr.L should have added tweeters here. He must have forgotten.)

( Young birds have found their homes a  place that they will make many nests for many years to come.)

(The satay stick dipped with Love Potion works wonder.)

(The P-9  version 5 internal sound works wonder. Nests building concentrated around the Tweeters)

(Once all corners are taken up. They will build nests on the middle of the planks.)

(Another nest built on the stick sprayed with Love Potion.)

Now you can see all Swiftlet farms can be turned around if you know what to do. 

So the important things are: Getting the right person to revamp your farm, using the correct Aroma, Using the correct sound and Using the correct amplifier and tweeters.

Enjoy the pictures.

Good Swiftlet farming All!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

从读者的电子邮件 :Hi-Nest高音喇叭    Email from a Reader : Hi-Nest Tweeter

收到一封從Alor Gajah一位燕屋主的電子郵件。我很高興知道 GS-18 高音喇叭可以帮助到他的燕屋農場。在这之前,Chia先生幾乎看不到任何燕子在他的燕屋農場。他寄了一段內聲给我,他是從一個人買下的。这个內部聲音完全是没有吸引力的。燕子似乎沒有任何反应。燕子只是飞入然后几秒钟的时间內就飛了出去。沒有任何興趣要留在那里。增長是緩慢甚至經過3年之后他尋求我的意見。我叫他换改內部聲音和檢查所有的高音揚聲器。後來,他發現80%的高音揚聲器無法正常运作。

我叫他换成Hi-Nest Gs 18 高音喇叭。起初他不是很乐觀。我告訴他,你可以只是换20个高音喇叭,然后看看它的結果......現在我收他寄来的一條短信他想要更多GS-18高音喇叭...哈。哈。哈。



謝謝你的建議。我已經把GS-18 高音喇叭给换上。我上個星期去了我的燕屋農場。棒極了。這是第一次我看到這麼多燕子掛在高音喇叭上。我不敢相信這種情況發生了。你的GS內部聲音和Hi-Nest GS-18 高音喇叭是非常有力的。現在我知道並不是所有的高音揚聲器都是相同的。再一次謝謝你幫我度過難關。請到Alor Gajah来,午飯,晚飯都包在我身上。別忘了在这个星期寄出其餘我已定購了的高音揚聲器。我需要在這個週末安装。

P.K Chia

注: 在第一年有30-50%的高音喇叭会出現故障。第二年可以高達70%

1) 放大器功率不穩定
2) 差劲的高音揚聲器品質 (材料品質差的內部紙矽片和銅盤)
3) 差劲的电線連接
4) 使用不同頻率的高音喇叭
5) 超載
6) 使用並不是為燕屋農場設計的高音喇叭,而是用了卡拉Ok的高音喇叭(90%



Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Email from a Reader : Hi-Nest Tweeter

Received an email from a Swiftlet farmer from Alor Gajah. I am very happy to know that the GS-18 tweeters had helped his Swiftlet farm. Before this Mr. Chia could hardly  see any Swiftlet in his farm. He had sent me a clip of the internal sound which he had bought it from someone.The internal sound is not attractive at all.  Swiftlets seem to give no response. They just dive in and fly out within second. None interested to stay at all. The growth is slow even after 3 years He seeks for my advice. I asked him to change the internal sound and the check all the Tweeters. Later he discovered 80% of the tweeters are not functioning.

I asked him to change to Hi-nest Gs-18 tweeters. At first he was quite pessimistic. I told him,  you could just change 20 tweeters and see the result first................. And now I receive a text message from him wanting more Gs18 tweeters....ha..ha..ha

He is a real  typical China-man ...seeing is believing.

Hi Sifu James,

Thank you for the advice . I had replaced them with the GS18 tweeters. I went to my Bh last week. Marvelous. This is the first time I see so many birds hanging on the Tweeters. I can't believe this is happening. Your GS internal sound and Hi-Nest GS18 Tweeter are very powerful. Now I know not all tweeters are the same. Thank you once again for helping me out. Please come to Alor Gajah lunch, dinner all on me. Don't forget to send the rest  of the Tweeters I have ordered by this week. I need to fix them this weekend.

P.K Chia.

Note: 30-50% tweeters malfunction in the first years. The second year it can goes as high as 70%.
Commonly associated with:

1) Instability of Amplifier power
2) Poor Tweeters Quality ( poor material quality of internal paper wafer and copper plate)
3) Poor wiring connection
4) Using different frequency Tweeter
5) Overload
6) Tweeters that are not designed for Swiftlet farm but for Karaoke use (90%)

Poor quality Tweeters that are not designed for Swiftlet farm use will not last long. The high humidity condition in Swiftlet farm could easily cause damage to the copper plate and the paper wafer inside the tweeter as it oxidizes. So using a correct tweeter that is specially designed and made for Swiftlet farm use  is important.

Good Swiftlet farming All!


Monday, August 11, 2014

沙巴燕屋農場改造 Sabah Swiftlet Farms Revamp


我原本应该去年就要拜訪他們的。但是因為我太忙所以不知何故我已經把它拖延直到最近。我通过我的部落格讀者也是Love Potion的长期使用者认识了A先生。












其中吸引我视线的一件事是排氣孔。這個燕屋農場為什麼需要這麼多的通風孔?它不會危及整個內部環境。它將會有太多的空氣流动在燕屋農場裡。在夜間它會变的太冷,而在白天会太熱。溫度和濕度的波動會很難控制,因此,小燕子和燕子蛋不會在這種條件的情况下生存下來。即使它可以生存,但是病死率會很高。通常燕子会避免這種類型的內部環境 (燕屋農場)。

一行的排氣孔,每列有10个排氣口磚。太荒謬了。很多人誤解了的排氣孔的目的。讓我提醒你,排氣孔不是為了降低燕屋農場里的溫度。要瞭解一個明喻會有帮助: 你的車空調開了,然後你把所有四個視窗都打开了。會發生什麼?车外的溫度將与车內相同,因为所有的視窗都被打开。你再也不會感受到冷氣。




很明顯,在入口洞有太少的高音揚聲器。在檢查了这些高音揚聲器之后,我發現大部分的高音揚聲器再也無法操作。我建议A先生安裝16个高音揚聲器在入口洞中,4个在底部,其餘的在側面和頂部。我推薦他使用我們的Hi-Nest Gs-18高音揚聲器,这是專門为燕子声音而調的頻率。



一個大錯誤。它是不建议在木板的中間安裝高音喇叭。原因: 1) 所有的小燕子開始做燕窝都是在角落處不是在木板的中間。你可以在你的燕屋農場觀察。这完全是沒有意義的,將它們安裝在中間尤其是新的燕屋農場。 2)如果你觀察燕子的飛行行為,燕子們飛在一個圓行運動和停息或垂掛的機會將會更多在角落的地方。





他需要安裝70-100 Hi Nest Gs-18高音喇叭和替換幾架舊的放大器Hi-Nest B-52 放大器。由于每天都有大量的燕子前來,现在的主要戰略是,引誘燕子留下來和做燕子。為了做到這一點,我們要創造一个利于燕子的內部環境,因此一個好的GS催眠術內部聲音和香氣来說服燕子留下來是至關重要的。



大家有好燕屋農場 !

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sabah Swiftlet Farms Revamp

Couple of weeks ago I was invited to visit few Swiftlet farms in Sabah. One of the Swiftlet farms I had visited belongs Mr.A who is from Kota Kinabalu.

I suppose to visit them last year. Due to my busy schedule somehow I had delayed it until recently. I came to know Mr.A  from my blog reader who is also a regular user of Love Potion.

Mr.A have not gone inside his Swiftlet farm since 2012 as the builder/consultant is holding the keys. The last time he went inside was 2 years ago when it was first built.

His friends advised him to cut the lock prior to my visit so that I could go in to do my job. I guess the builder/consultant can't be reached now.

 ( Look nice from outside. Wait until we see inside)

A beautiful location with plenty of insects and greenery. A wonderful place for Swiftlet farming how come this Swiftlet farm in not doing well? There must be something wrong somewhere. Sabah is a good place for Swiftlet farming. It is one of the easiest place to do Swiftlet farming. Records have shown within a year some Swiftlet farms here could achieve few hundreds nests.

There are many Swiftlets here. Its all about how good one could attract them into a Swiftlet farm to stay and to build nests...and so on..generation to generation. In order to achieve this we need to understand what constitute a good Swiftlet farm and its control of the internal factors.

( perfection, good vegetation)

 ( Many birds playing outside everyday. It is a good sign but not good enough)

For those who don't know Mr.A's sorrow would have perceived that his Swiftlet farm is doing very well. There are  hundred of Swiftlets circling and visiting his farm daily. But those that actually stayed are less than a handful.

I have literated we want nests not birds. No point of having thousand of Swiftlets circling flying above your farms everyday but the number of nests inside the farm remains low. The economy value of a Swiftlet farm relies on the number of the nests inside, not on how many birds came to play.

 A 3 storey 20 x 60 feet Standalone located not far from Kota Kinabalu town. It was built 2 years ago by a well known expert. The owner has no access to the Swiftlet farm as the keys were with the builder. From outside it looks very well built. The walls are surrounded with water (Pond). The idea was to prevent predators and crawling insects from entering the farm. Well I would opt for regular maintenance ( Pest control). Reason, water often sip inside the farm..

( So many Vent-Holes)

One thing that catches my eye was the Vent-hole. Why does this farm need so many Vent-holes? Won't it jeopardize the whole internal environment. There will be too many movement of air in the farm. It would be too cool during the night and too hot during the day. The fluctuation of temperature and humidity would be hard to control hence chicks and egg won't survive in such condition. Even if it would the fatality rate will be high. Swiftlets often avoid this type of internal environment ( farm).  

Roll of Vent-holes, 10 Vent bricks per column. That is ridiculous. Many had misunderstood the purposes of  Vent-hole. Let me remind you Vent-hole is not for the purpose of lowering the temperature of a farm. To understand  a simile would help : Your car  air-cond switched on, then you wind down all four windows.What happens? The temperature of the external will be the same as internal after all window have been wind down. You won't feel the air cond anymore.

To have good internal temperature control the wall and roof  insulation have to be properly done. The stability of temperature and humidity inside the farm is very much influenced by how well you insulated the walls and ceiling. Though Vent-Hole does reduce the temperature but it is not significant.

Now Mr.A knows why birds don't  build nests inside this farm. I explained to him in detail how all these factors could affect his farm. He doesn't know about this though he had spoken with many so call experts.

This is the entrance hole, there are only 4 tweeters.There are not facing 45 degree to the sky. Bear in mind this is an Open roof farm, birds dive from the sky unlike Dog Kennel type where birds fly straight.... horizontally. It is recommended that the Tweeters are installed 45 degree facing the sky.

Obviously there are too few Tweeters at the entrance hole. After checking the tweeters I discovered most of them are not functioning anymore. I advise Mr.A to install 16 tweeters at the entrance hole, 4 at the bottom the rest at the side and top. I recommended him to us the Hi-Nest Gs-18 tweeters as they are specially tuned to Swiftlet frequency.

Look.....only 3 tweeters per almost 400s/f area. That is ridiculous few. Furthermore there are not installed at the corner areas towards the walls. I don't blame the one who had installed all these tweeters. If he doesn't  know and understand  Swiftlet flying patent and  their behaviors then how would he know where to fix them.

Not surprised, only 2 tweeters can bee seen here. How do you expect the Swiftlet to build nests here. From Vent-hole problem to sound system problem and there are many more problems that I need to solve.

A big mistake. It is not advisable to install Tweeters on the middle of the nesting planks . Reasons: 1) All young birds start to build nests at the corner not at the middle of the plank. You can observe this in your farm. So it makes no sense to install them in the middle especially new farms. 2) If you observe the flying behaviour of birds, they fly in a circular motion and chances for them to perch or hang will be more to the corner areas.

The design of this Swiftlet farm is not Swiftlet friendly. It didn't not take into consideration of birds flying path and light density. There are areas that are too bright and areas that are too dark. Poor light density control . Certain hours of the day some areas ( internal) of the farm is too bright. The builder should have known it, the sun doesn't move in a straight line throughout the years. It moves a  few degree, therefore its position is not the same in the month of January compared to the month of August. I wonder how many actually pay attention to this...ha..ha..ha..or never.

I taught Mr.A how to observe all these factors. It would help him to manage his Swiftlet farm without relying on others.

Few partitions need to be erected to slow down the light glare all had been written down. Now all he needs to do is to engage few construction workers to get the job done.

 ( revamp plan worth million....lol)

He needs to install  70-100 Hi-nest Gs-18 tweeters  and replace the old Amplifiers with few unit of  HI-Nest B-52 Amplifiers. Since there are large number of birds came and play everyday, the main strategy is to lure them to stay and build nests. In order to do this we have to create an internal environment that is friendly to birds therefore a good GS Hypnotism internal sound and Aroma to persuade them to stay is vital.

Now Mr.A has learned that not all good locations can produce good Swiftlet farm, but a good Swift farm for sure would produce good harvest.

After the visit we sit down for hours as I have to explain the revamp plan to Mr.A. I make sure he understands the plan well and the whole idea of the revamp.

Good Swiftlet farming All!


Thousand Swiftlets

swiftlet farming-James

Revamped Bh -With Gs Sound

Swiftlet Sound GS

Swiftlet Farming


New Swiftlet Farm wth GS-9 Ext sound. Video recorded 5 minute after sound switched on

Good External Sound of a SWIFTLET FARM

GEZILLION STAR External Sound Call 012-317 3811

2 years Old Swiftlets Farm

Classic Video from a Good friend of mine "SeeSeng". Taken 4 yrs ago.

Bird Test With the Powerful Bird Test Kit (Stress Sound) Attracts birds within 30 seconds