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Interested in the below Products? For LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & AGENCY please contact swifjames@yahoo.com

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets

WE HAVE MOVED, SMR Swiftlet Farming Equipments & Gadgets
59 Jalan Tabla 33/21, Shah Alam Technology Park 40400 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia.Tel 012.3173811 Business Hour: By Appointment. 只限预约。




More Powerful Than Before. Leading In Hormone Aroma 比以前更加強大。在激素香氣中領先.

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam

Love Potion and Swiftlet Farming Talk (Seminar) in Vietnam Hội thảo diễn đàn tại Việt Nam
Explaining how to use Love Potion effectively to increase Nests & Birds Population to user of Love Potion


Want your new farm to have many birds to stay and to build nests in the shortest period of time.Use LOVE POTION. It has the odor ( hormone) that makes birds get into mating mood.It also helps to increase birds population of old farm.For those farms that the numbers of nests has not increased the Love Potion would help. It is so powerful that even without the Nesting Planks the Swiftlets still eager to stay and make nests. The above picture shows most birds are in pair. It indicates that most are in mating mood. Interested email swifjames@yahoo.com. TESTED & PROVEN! Only limited quantity available. 要您的新燕屋農場有許多燕子停留和修造窝在最短的时期。用Love Potion。 它的氣味(激素)能令燕子有交配的心情。它也幫助增加旧的燕屋農場增加燕子群。能為那些燕窝数量未增加的燕屋農場也能使用Love Potion来幫助增加。 是很有強力的甚而沒有板條燕子也很熱切的停留和做窝。 上面的圖片展示多数燕子是一對一對的。 它表明多數的燕子是有交配的心情。 感興趣的请发電子郵件swifjames@yahoo.com。 已被測試和被证明的! 存货有限。For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


The New Packing Swiftlet farming Love Potion is in 2 liter bottle with security sealed sticker at the cap. The New bottle is specially designed for convenience and easy use with Sprayer Gun. Remove cap and lock on Sprayer Gun and it’s ready to use.No hassle of pouring into Spray Pump and it saves money, you don’t need to buy Spray Pump. The purchase of every 2 bottles comes with a free industry grade powerful Sprayer Gun that could spray up to a distance of 10-12 ft. Designed to reach the ceiling, planks, entrance hole, inter-hole and the high roving area.To get the New Love Potion please contact James: 012-3173811 or email: swifjames@yahoo.com 新Love Potion的包裝是一個2公升瓶,有安全密封的貼紙在瓶蓋上。 它比早先的包裝更多500ml。 (如果安全密封是破壞,千萬不要購買) 。2公升瓶是特地為方便和容易使用而设计的,它有噴霧槍。除去瓶蓋,然後鎖上噴霧槍就可以立即使用。 再也不必麻煩的把Love Potion倒入其他浪花泵浦,而且它也不浪費金錢,您不需要再買一個浪花泵浦。 凡購買2瓶,就送一個工業級有強力的噴霧槍。這個噴霧槍可以噴洒到距離10-12英尺的地方。 它是特地為噴到天花板、板條、入口孔、互連孔和高的環繞區而設計的。要買到新的Love Potion,請与James斯联系: 012-3173811或電子郵件:For INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & ANGENCY Please contact : swifjames@yahoo.com


តោះ ចូលរួមជាមួយខ្ញុំដើម្បីរៀនអំពីបច្ចេកទេសក្នុងការសាង់សង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំដែលជោគជ័យ។​ វគ្គសិក្សានេះ សិក្សាលំអិតស៊ីជំរៅ​លើសពីកំរិតមូលដ្ឋាន​ និងមិនដែលបាន​បង្រៀននៅក្នុងសិក្ខាសាលាផ្សេងៗពីមុនទេ។ សិក្ខាសាលានេះ នឹងសិក្សាចាប់តាំងពីចំនុចសំខាន់ក្នុងគម្រោងសាងសង់ផ្ទះ ច្រកសត្វហោះចូល បចេ្ចកទេសធ្វើអោយសំបុកធំ ហើយមានពណ៌ស​ រហូតដល់ជាពិសេសគឺវិធីទាក់ទាញសត្វអោយធ្វើសំបុកក្នុងរយះពេល 100 ថ្ងៃ។ ​ ជាមួយនឹងគំនិតច្នៃប្រឌិតថ្មីៗ​ ដែលឆ្លងកាត់ការស្រាវជ្រាវនិងការវិវឌ្ឍន៍​ជាច្រើនទសវត្សរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្ញុំនឹងចែករំលែកគំនិតនិងរូបមន្តសំងាត់ដែលជួយឱ្យក្តីសុបិន្តផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំរបស់អ្នកក្លាយជាការពិត។ នេះគឺជាសិក្ខាសាលាពិសេស សម្រាប់អ្នកដែលកំពុងស្វែងរកភាពជោគជ័យ និងចង់ទទួលបានចំនេះដឹងនិងជំនាញពិតហើយត្រឹមត្រូវក្នុងការសាងសង់ផ្ទះត្រចៀកកាំ។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើ នៅសណ្ឋាគារ​ Sunway​ ភ្នំពេញ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា នាថ្ងៃទី 9-10 ខែមិនា ឆ្នាំ2019។ សិក្ខាសាលានឹងធ្វើឡើងជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស និងភាសាខ្មែរ។​

Swiflet Farm Using Love Potion together with Gs-9/Hypno-5

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)

SWIFTLET FARMING-LOVE POTION "Trusted & Proven" (万燕牌子荷尔蒙)
A Powerful Hormone Aroma specially formulated to increase birds’ population and nests growth for New and Old Swiftlet farms. The scent helps to retain young birds & attract them stay and make nests. Tested and Proven since 2008. Trusted and used by Swiftlet farms throughout South East Asia. Use immediately after every harvest. Effectively repels unfavorable smell in Bh. Invented by Swiftlet farmer for Swiftlet farms. Packing: 2ltr. Free Spray gun for every purchase of 2 bottles. Call: 012-3173811. 有強力的荷爾蒙芳香特別地為新和舊的燕屋農場增加燕子的群和燕窩的成長而啓發的。 它的氣味幫助保留小的燕子和 吸引它們逗留並且做燕窩。自2008年以來就已被測試和证明。 被東南亞各地的燕屋農場信賴和使用。 在每個收穫之後的立刻使用。 有效的排斥在燕屋農場裏不被喜愛的氣味。由養燕人爲養燕人發明的。 包裝:2ltr. 凡買2瓶就送一個噴霧槍。 打電話: 012-3173811.

从Love Potion 的用户

今天早上我從運輸者受到了5箱的Love Potion。 我是非常擔心Love Potion没货的。
谢谢您保證我的订单在週末之前到達。 我的工人需要在收穫以後使用它的。
在用Love Potion以后燕窝增加了。 我未曾看过這樣巨大的增加在燕窝的公斤量。
當您再回來太平时請打电话给我。 我要请您吃晚餐,並且进一步談論關於燕窝出口和贸易。
Y.先.......... ..... ......
燕窝處理和貿易商 .



1) Spray on planks turn Spray nozzle to MIST SPRAY.1-3 burst is good enough for planks especially at the corner boards. / 噴灑在木板上,把噴灑頭鑽成噴霧,按1-3 次就夠了,特別是在壁角板上.

2) Spraying on wall 1-2 ft below nesting planks turn Spray nozzle to sharp spray. Spray zigzag lines as you walk. Let the it drips from the walls. Spray at Roving area, Nesting area, Inter-holes, entrance holes, (80% on walls 20% on Planks) / 噴灑在牆壁上,在木板1-2尺之下,把噴灑頭鑽成噴尖。一直走一直噴。讓它慢慢滴下來。也噴在環繞區,造窩區,互聯洞,入口洞,(80%噴在牆壁,20%噴在木板)
3) Spray after each harvest or after your have entered the farm. 在在每次收穫之後噴或者每一次您進入燕屋農場之後

4) Pour into Humidifier (chicken coop type) 也可以倒入噴霧機 (雞寮性)

5) If you can’t finish 1 bottle for 1 floor it means you have not sprayed enough.1 bottle good for 1400sf 如果您在一層樓用不完一瓶那就是說您噴的不夠。一瓶是足夠1400方尺

6) Shake bottle well before use. 把瓶子搖均勻才用

7)DO NOT MIX WATER (do not dilute) 不必參水 (不可以彫稀)

8)Use once every 3 weeks. 每三的星期用一次


New Hypnotic Sound " Gezillion Star" Interested to have this Sound Call 012-3173811



燕屋設計、屋内环境、aroma、光度、飛行道, 间接等等是否正確?
讓我帮助和勸告您如何解決您的問題, 成为一个完美和燕子喜歡的燕屋農場。 我將教您如何解決問題和改正差錯。因此,今后當您碰见任何燕屋農場問題时,您將會解決它。


B-52 External Sound

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Your Knowledge Represents your Swiftlet Farm

If you think that Good Aroma and Good Sound is not important in Swiftlet Farming my sincere advice is that you better put your money in the bank instead, and I can assure you Swiftlet farming is not your cup of tea.

I was rushing back from Kuala Selangor in the evening so that I could meet up with my cousin which I haven’t seen for many years. He drove all the way from Johor with few friends. He was in K.L to do some businesses and at the same time to visit my Auntie.

He had called me earlier while I was visiting a reader in Kuala Selangor. He came with few friends which 2 of them were into Swiftlet farming.

He didn’t tell them that I am the James from www.swiftletfarmer.blogspot.com.I was late and there were already waiting in a seafood restaurant in Subang.

My cousin was from Taiping but had settled down in Johor for many years. While we were having dinner he told his friends about my involvement in Swiftlet farming (without elaborating much). One of them started to talk about Swiftlet farming and how he’s got involved in it and bragged about how to build a good swiftlet farm.

Well I just listen as I believe a good listener could learn lots of things be it good or bad things.

One of them asked whether I use Aroma and special sound in my Bhs and I replied certainly yes without elaborating further. They still didn’t know that I am the James of www.swiftletfarmer.blogspot.com. and my cousin just smile. (They thought that I am just an ordinary Jo that has a Bh).

He said, he doesn’t believe in all these things and swiftlet farming is all about luck and black magic and so on…… ( wo..woo..)

Well I just kept quiet and listen.

He asked me again and wanted to know what sounds I am using and where could he get some cheap sound for his Bh in K.L.

I told him I recorded and remixed them myself.

I told him if he wants cheap stuff he could download them from web and most are duplicated and it is equivalent to Pasar Malam stuff.

He asked again, what about the sound I am using. I told him the sounds that I am using cost few hundred ringgit and they are different from those from the Web.

He laughed…..ha …ha.. ha... Are you sure…? He asked again. “Few hundred ringgit?” He laughed and laughed. He doesn’t believe and said all sounds are the same and told us he is using a sound from his consultant which is free of charge and it seemed ok..

Then with my instinct I responded, if I am not mistaken your bh is not doing well, perhaps a failed farm. My sincere apology, please correct me if I am wrong.

He was not comfortable with what I had said and asked me “what do you mean by failed farm?”

I replied “a failed farm in your case is a Bh with less than 20 nests in 3 years”.

He was speechless. And my cousin who was sitting next to me whispered “Hey how did you know that?” My cousin was surprised that I knew about his friend’s farms which I had never met them before.

I told his friends ‘no hard feeling ha” we all are here to learn, In fact everybody is learning every day.

My cousin took out his Iphone and shows them my blog. They were surprised, after glancing thru my blog they want my advice and want me to help them to salvage their farms.

I told them if they want my assistant they need to be sincere with me otherwise I can’t help them. One of them admitted that he has 2 Bhs in Johor. One operated for 3 years and another one had operated for 4 years both have less than 15 nests.

I told them nowadays it is not the same anymore, competition is so stiff now. It is unlike 10 years ago. There are few thousand new Bhs coming up every year. We can no longer monopolize a particular area anymore. The techniques used last time no longer work now. It’s evolved, things constantly change and we have to understand how it changed and follow the changes.

Now it is more of attracting others Bhs young birds to come to our Bhs to stay and make nests. There are no more wild birds or cave birds all birds are from our neighbor’s bhs.

The growth of Bh is faster than the growth of the Swiftlets population, this happened everywhere. Therefore those Bhs that used good aroma and good sound would have advantages and we cannot deny it.

After explaining to them out of curiosity they ask me how I knew that their Bhs are failed Bhs even without visiting.

I told them, “what you know and how much you know represent the performance of your Bh”.

Secondly you guys believed in Luck!

Good Swiftlet farming all!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to All muslim readers.

We wish to convey our utmost appreciation for your continued support over the past year and take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY HARI RAYA PUASA as well. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

Warmest Regards


Good Swiftlet farming All!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

有傷風一樣做....到吉蘭丹 2

久的樓梯就是入口孔。 外面被改變了,但是內部就沒有。



有相當多的事情建築商是沒有適當地做的。 他的工人用很少水泥來黏磚塊。 磚塊之间有許多小孔。 我還可以通过小孔看到光線照入。 我想他們是在设法省水泥(費用)。


對我來說就是完全不同地看法。 如果空孔沒有適當地被填滿,热空气會通過這些孔,並且到達牆壁的另外一邊。 换句话说,雖然2層厚的磚塊有數大约9寸,但是,如果有空氣,那就浪費了雙重磚塊的目的了。

在檢查了之后,我告訴了建築商應該做的是什麼,希望他會聼。 然後,我們到附近的咖啡店喝茶。 最初,建築商想要帶我們到餐館因爲有大量可口和著名的食物在那裡。 但是我沒有被誘惑。 我是更加關注他如何應該改進他的工作。

我很坦白的告訴他我到過許多地方旅行了和吃過各種各樣的「異乎尋常的食物」,或者下一次吧。 我告訴他我在這裡不是為了好吃和可口的食物,是爲了工作,就算我有感冒。

就是因爲這樣我們就到了一家除了賣包子什麽都沒有的咖啡店。 他為我們點了一些包子。 那就是我吃過最多包子的一天,往好的一面看,包子對我的喉頭和流感還是好的。

然後我們就回到K.Bharu,因爲我的飛機是在晚上9點多起飛。 我不會想要錯過我的飛機。 自從去年錯過了飛往普吉島的飛機,現在我已經是有恐懼感了。 而且我還買的是一張來回的機票。

當在K.B的時候,我還來得及拍了一些燕屋農場的照片。 很驚奇地,在晚上7.20並沒有漫遊天空的許多燕子就好像以前一樣。我告訴W先生這並不可以與像太平,Setiawan、 K.Terengganu等等的地方比較的。

W先生也同意,他說燕子似乎都飛向內地了。 我告訴他有時這會發生大概由于突然的天氣變化。 應該不會太久燕子就會返回。 如果燕子不返回,那就是説燕子已經遷移了,這樣對K.Bharu的燕屋農場也不是好事。

通常在雨季期間燕子將移居到內地,但是現在是太早了。 不要緊我們將觀察並且看看將會发生什么。

有相當多的燕屋農場在K.Bharu附近是從那些老戰前大廈的,並且大多數是相當成功的。 它看起來好像是一個新剛被油漆的大廈,但是其實它是一個老戰前的大廈,就好像被修改新的禮服一樣。

它們是被封密的,在大廈之外的牆壁被塗上灰泥並且看起來很現代化的,但是裡面依然是戰前的。 這就是秘密!





Have Flu will Travel - Trip to Kelantan-2

The old staircase which is the entrance hole. The exterior has changed but not the interior.

Entrance hole.

One of the streets of K.B

There were quite few things the contractor didn’t do properly. His workers use very little cement to hold the bricks. There were many small holes gaps between the bricks. I could see the light glares through the small holes. I suppose they are trying to save cement (cost).

To most contractors as long the bricks are cemented it is considered done, anyway they would plaster it both side (inside and outside), why worry about those unfilled gap holes between bricks?

To me I see it differently. If the gaps are not filled properly then the hot air would goes thru these holes and reaches the other side of the wall. In other words though there are 2 layers of brick of approximately 9” thick but if there are air pockets in it, it defeats the purpose of double bricks.

After inspecting the site, I advised the contractor to do what is necessary and hope that he would follow.

Later on we went for Tea at nearby a coffee shop. Initially the contractor had wanted to take us to a restaurant sighted that there are plenty of delicious and famous dishes there. I am not tempted. I am keener on how he should improve his works.

I frankly told him that I had traveled to many places and had eaten all sorts of “exotic food”, perhaps next time. I told him I am not here for good and delicious foods but to work, even I have flu.

With that message we ended up in a coffee shop that only sells nothing but Pau. He ordered few Paus for us. That was the day I have most Paus, look at the bright side it is good for my throat and flu.

After that we headed back to K.Bharu as my flight departure at 9pm ++. I wouldn’t want to miss my flight. It has been a phobia for me since I missed my flight to Phuket Last year. It was a return ticket that I had bought.

While in K.B I managed to take few photos of Bhs there. Surprisingly at 7.20pm there were not many birds roaming the sky as before. I told Mr.W this cannot compare to places like Taiping, Setiawan, K.Trengganu,etc.

Mr. W agreed, he said the birds seem to have flown inland. I told him this would happen sometimes probably due to sudden weather change. It shall not be long before the birds return. If they don’t then this is a major migration and it is not good for Bhs in K.Bharu.

Usually during the monsoon period birds would migrate to inland but now it is too early. Never mind we shall observe and see what happens next.

There’re quite many Bhs around K.Bharu which are from those old pre-war building and most of them are quite successful. It may looks like a new well painted building but it is an Old pre-war building, just like a makeover with new dress.

They are encapsulated, outside the building the walls are plastered well and look modern but inside remain the pre-war origin. This the secret!

Shall be visiting the site again, perhaps next month.

Good Swiftlet farming All!



上個週末我是在吉蘭丹检查正在進展的獨立燕屋農場。 建築商已經完成了結構和水泥工作,現在砖块工進行到了第1楼。

W先生這個燕屋農場的主人在一個星期之前已經打電話給我並且要我到访。 是檢查的时间了,並且必須肯定工作是依照我們的標準。

在我購買機標之前我是在一種歡悅心情和盼望這次的旅行。 不幸在飛行之前的3天我被傳染了流感。非常可怕的流感。 我感到很不舒服,我的整個身體是酸疼的,我還有非常可怕的傷風。 如果可以我想要在我飞行的那天取消這次的旅程。 但是我不可能,因爲這是責任和義務的關係。 其次,W先生是在等待來見我的,我不可能讓他失望。

這還不止,我是早到了在Subang的機場。 我不想要錯過我的飛機。 很慚愧,我承認我以前有錯過我的飛機。


我是很不舒服的,並且必須等待1小時才允許讓我們上機,。 當在飛機裡的時候,我感覺到很不平常的。 我想這是我的第6感。 我的朋友过去常常告訴我有特異功能,但是我告訴他們沒有,它是我正常的天性。 他們曾经說我比他們似乎知道和瞭解燕子更多。 不要緊…

當我坐下时,選了在中間 (就好像平常一样)我感到非常的熱和心神不安。 怎麼可能我是有流感的我應該感覺冷才對的。 因為我看見周圍的許多人都穿了夾克,因為那天早晨下了雨,並且全天都是多雲的。



當飛機進一步移動時,看起來它使用了它所有的推力,但是仍然它的推進器之一好象沒有那麽快速地跑。 因為我是在翼旁邊的中部坐位,我可以很明顯地看到。 我告訴了自己,這架飛機不應該朝向跑道的。


對我來說那不是好消息,因為我必須走回到乘客休息室和坐在那裡等待。 您知道本地的飛行要您步行,並且我有很壞的傷風。 我不是在抱怨,但是我真的是有傷風。

其次,我飛囘的航班是在同一日,如果航班被延遲直到下午,那我又如何可以搭回的那班機呢。 我一直在想我是否應該取消我的飛行或等待。 在不久之後,他們宣佈飛行到K.B的班機將是在1小時的時間。我對這個公告有混合的感覺。是好或是壞我也必須仍然飞行因爲它是注定的。

在Kota Bharu那裏是多雲的。 我有去過那裏很多次了,其中一個燕屋農場最佳的地方,原因是? 有大量的植物,沒有被汙染,有許多種植園和很多的綠色。燕屋農場的地點是在從K.B.的1小時車程的T.Merah。 當在K.B的時候,我注意到沒有那麽多的燕子漫遊在天空,與早先我參觀的許多次比較。

許多人声称特别在K.B鎮燕子是越來越少了,因爲燕子移居對內地或進一步有多種植園的地方。 但是仍然是言志過早。 有时候它是因爲季節和天氣的變動。

由于我的飞机延迟了,建築商已經從中午在等待我們了。 他要我查看一下他們的工作,在他的工人繼續之前。 他是從Setiawan來的,一個燕屋農場的先驅地方。 他在Kelatan住了很多年。 我問了他許多次,為什麼搬到Kelantan。Setiawan不就是一個可以讓他發展燕屋農場建筑业的地方嗎…我還是很好奇。

燕屋農場的建築是由W先生雇用的建築商承擔的,我的进來是為了燕屋農場的設計和設備設定的顧問。 當我到達燕屋農場时,好像平常一样我去了底层,檢查砖块和防熱材料(寳麗瓏)。 我發覺工人沒有安置足够接近,並且在寳麗瓏之间有裂縫。 熱的風能穿過進入第二層磚。 如果這是發生了,那麽它就浪費了放入寳麗瓏的目的了。

我問了建築商您不知道這一點麽? 您建了燕屋農場那麽多年….

他的回復是….「不,我不知道」。 「沒有啦,我建的燕屋農場都沒有使用防熱材料,只是平砖墙已經夠了」。



我對他的工作感到不滿意。 我老實地告訴他這不是建立燕屋農場的方法。 他是一個好人,但是他的工作感動不到我。 他道歉了並且許諾他會要求他的工人矯正。 他继续說我做燕屋農場的方式是与他們不同的。

對他來說,只要牆壁是被密封並且塗上灰泥,只要有入口孔,只要有聲音,只要有高音揚聲器,等等然後其他的都是靠信念和運氣。 所以,許多人仍然買4個號碼,因為他們相信運氣。 那是1到9999的比率。 您是否想要您的燕屋農場有那個比率基地? 我想您不會。





Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Have Flu will Travel - Trip to Kelantan

Last weekend I was in Kelantan checking out the progress of a Standalone. The contractor had completed the structural and concrete works and now the bricks work had proceeded to the 1st floor.

Mr.W the owner of this Bh had called me a week before and wanted me to pay a visit. It is time for inspection and making sure the works is accordance to our standard.

Prior to my flight booking I was in a joyous mood and looking forward to this trip. Unfortunately 3 days before I fly a was down with flu..a very bad flu. I was not feeling comfortable my whole body was aching and I have a very bad running nose. If I could I would have wanted to cancel this trip on the day I fly. But I couldn’t it is very much of responsibility and obligation. Secondly Mr.W is waiting to meet up with me and I couldn’t let him down.

That is not all I was early at the Subang Airport. I wouldn’t want to miss my flight. Embarrassingly I admit I had missed my flight before.

I prefer Firefly as it much more convenience and I don’t have to drive all the way to KLIA which takes an hour or more to reach by car.

I am not well and have to wait for an hour before they allowed us to board. While inside the plane I felt something unusual. I guess this is my 6 sense. My friends used to tell me that I have psychic ability but I told them No, it is just my normal human instinct. They used to say I seemed to know and understand birds better than them. Nevermind…

While taking my sit which is in the middle (as usual) I felt very hot and uneasy. How could it be I am having a flu I should be feeling cold. As I look around I saw many people wearing jackets because that morning it rained and later the whole day was cloudy.

There must be something not right somewhere…I was mumbling to myself and my imagination starts to set in and the first thing that came into my mind was “ what if this plane have problem”….would it crash….and so on…

Before I could imagine the worse, the plane starts to move from the bay and heading for the runway for takeoff.

As the plane moved further it seemed that it had used all its thrust and yet one of its propellers is not running as fast as it should be. Since I am sitting in the middle which is next to the wing I could see it clearly. I told myself this plane shouldn’t have headed for the runway.

Within minute the announcement came from the pilot, he explained the difficulties the plane was facing and requested us to get down from the plane and shall notify us once the problems are solved.

That wasn’t good news to me neither, because I have to walk all the way back to the boarding lounge and sit there and wait on transit. As you know local flight makes you walk and I am having a bad flu. I am not complaining but I am having a bad flu.

Secondly my schedule was to fly back on the same day, what if the flight delayed till late afternoon and how could I catch my return fly. I was wondering should I cancel my flight or wait. Not long after that they announced the flight to K.B will be in an hour time. Well I have mix feeling of the announcement. Good or bad I still have to fly it is destined.

It was cloudy in K.Bharu. I’ve been here many times, one of the best places for swiftlet farming, reason being? Plenty of vegetation, low pollution, many plantation and greens.

The location of the Bh is in T.Merah which is an hour drive from K.B. While in K.B I noticed there were not many birds roaming the sky as before or compared to many of my previous visits.

Many people claimed that the birds are getting less especially in K.B town and birds were migrating to inland or further in to plantations. Well that is still too premature to tell. Sometimes it is due to the season and changes of weather.

Due to my flight delay the contractor had been waiting for us since noon. He wants me to have a look at his works before he would ask his workers to proceed further. He is from Setiawan the pioneer place of Swiftlet farming. He had lived in Kelatan for many years. I had asked him many times, why he moves to Kelantan. Isn’t Setiawan a good place for him to expend his Swiftlet construction business… that makes me wonder.

This contract tor was engaged by Mr. W to undertake the construction of the Bh and I come in as a Design & Equipment set up consultant.

When I reach the Bh, I went to the ground floor as usual inspecting the bricks works and the insulating material( Styrofoam). I noticed the workers didn’t place them close enough and there were gaps between the Styrofoam foams. The heat could go thru the gaps and penetrates the second layer of bricks. If this occurred it defeats the purposes of putting up the Styrofoam.

I ask the contractor didn’t you know about this? You have been building Bh for many years….

Hi reply was ….“No I don’t know”. “Never, all the Bh I’ve built don’t use insulation material just plain bricks wall”.

“James you do Bh differently from us said the contractor”. …..

Then this hits my mind “no wonder so many failed Bhs in Malaysia included those in Prime area”.

I wasn’t satisfied with his works. I sincerely told him this is not the way to build Bh. He was a nice guy but his works don’t impress me. He apologized and promised that he would ask his worker to rectify them. He keeps saying the way I do Bh is different from them.

To him as long the walls are sealed and plastered, as long there is an entrance hole, as long there are sounds, as long there are tweeters, and so on then the rest is all faith and luck. That is why many people still buy 4 digits number because they believe in luck. That is 1 to 9999 ratios. Do you want your Bh to base of that ratio? I bet you don’t.

To be continued…..

Good Swiftlet farming All!

Friday, August 19, 2011



這是我從讀者受到的一個很有趣的問題。 我想我給這個問題的回復將為面對同一個問題的那些人也有很好的用處。

James我有一個4年多的燕屋農場,但是最低的那層(底層) 就是沒有燕窩,大多數的燕窩都是被修造在是最高的3層樓。 您是否能提供忠告?


問候 K.P先生

燕子為什麼不在最低的層樓或最高下來的那層做窩呢? 這是與設計有关,特别是互連孔的安置。 當我設計燕屋農場时,我給相當多的关注對於它的內部。 我確定互連孔位于在正确的地方,以便燕子能容易地飛往所有的層樓,沒有任何的困難。


1) 錯誤安置的互連孔

2) 互連孔太大或太小

3) 內部的分成

4) 恶劣和無效的內部聲音

燕子就好像是滑翔飞机它們通过滑翔來在天空中飛行。 滑翔飛機不可能飛向有鋒利的角度,要不然它們可能將擊中牆壁。 這包刮所有的燕子。 如果互連孔莫名其妙地被安置在遠離他們滑翔的路径,那么它們將避免下來到较低的層楼。 经过我的多年經驗,我學習了並且觀察到這個飛行的行為,經常如果它們發現有困難,它們就會回旋在那裏,它們會拍動它們的翅膀然後盤旋多次,並且避免飛到互連孔。 如果這是發生了,它就是燕屋農場的一個主要的挫折。

除了互連孔在正确的地方以外,它的大小也扮演了一個重大的角色。 太大將使太多的光線擊穿入燕屋農場,如果互連孔是在入口的附近。 這將導致太多光線而使燕子討厭的。 爲了要減少光線,許多人將依靠架設分成,同時也維護互連孔的大小,但是,如果分成被修造了,但卻沒有考慮到飛行道路,那麽它將導致更多的害處。

其次,對於那些遠離入口的互連孔,那麽燕子就必須飞行深进入燕屋農場才可以飛到互連孔。 在這樣的情況下,它是非常黑暗,並且與顶楼對比互連孔是更加黑暗的。 記住,太過黑暗並是不好的。年輕的小燕子還未有開发它的回音定位的也許覺得飛行入互連孔是困難的,並且盡一切力量來避免它。 如果這發生了,您可以使用一個昏暗的小燈光,不是正常的荧光灯,要不然它將浪費使用昏暗燈光的整體目的,它是爲了引導燕子飛行進出互連孔的。

任何的東西都有它的挫折。 如果光線是太明的,燕子將被吸引而发现不到它的方向。 它也許盤旋和在那光線兜圈子和最終因爲精疲力盡而死。 雖然燕子可以在黑暗中使用它的回音定位,但是它們也會依靠光線。 如果您的燕屋農場是在完全黑暗中,那么它也是一個大問題。

除此以外,為了要誘使它們到燕屋農場较低的層楼,內部聲音也必須是好質量的。 當我說优良品质的內部聲音时,那就是説應該有幼鸟,父母、年輕的燕子,有交配心情的燕子的組合….還有其他的等等。所有這些聲音都應該是在清楚的計劃的組合序列下播放的。如果您有機會參觀一些成功的燕屋農場,不可能它的原始燕子的唧啾叫的聲音來自這些燕屋農場是從一隻或二隻的燕子的。 通常我發現多数在市場上的內部聲音是從1, 2隻或者3隻的燕子而唱的,甚而有一些是獨奏的。

一個好的內部聲音應該有從多隻燕子的主要聲音聲調到前面到後面應該明顯地聽見的聲音。 有好的聲音燕子將緊抓在高音揚聲器。

內部的高音揚聲器應該安裝在互連孔,至少有8個高音揚聲器在一個6x6'的大小,當互連孔的大小是更大的,那麽高音揚聲器的数量也應該是增加的。 45度的交叉(高音揚聲器)這將可以拉扯燕子飛行入互連孔到较低的層楼。

我使用內部聲音來拉扯或吸引燕子到较低的層楼。 明顯地,也有許多人使用外在聲音的,要記住外在聲音經常是太大聲的,並且在夜間也是被闭上的。 內部聲音有催眠的作用來創造一個有很多燕子的燕屋農場的環境,並且還有很多燕窩的燕屋農場,因此燕子會覺得安全,並且可以很容易地被誘使到入较低的層楼。

底层「较低的層楼」的內部聲音音量應該比第1楼的大聲15%,這應該适用于所有的層樓。 這將誘使燕子修造燕窩在有困難誘使燕子最低的層樓。

如果您的燕屋農場所有的燕窩都是被修造在最低的層樓,那么就要使用不同的戰略。 或許我會在下一次寫關於這一點。




Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Lure Swiftlets to The lower Floor?

A Swiftlet flies near the inter-hole at the Internal Tweeters of good internal sound

This is an interesting question I’ve received from a reader. I guess my reply to this question would be good for those who are facing the same problem.

James I have a Bh operated for 4 years and the lowest floor (ground) has no nest, most of the nests were built on the 3 floor which is the highest floor. Can you please advice?

Thank you



Why Swiftlets are not building nests in the lowest floor or the floor below the highest floor? This has to do with the design especially the placement of the inter-hole.

When I design a Bh I pay considerable attention to its internal. I make sure the inter-hole is located at the right place so that the birds could easily access all floors without any difficulty.

The most common reasons birds reluctant to fly to the lower floor are:

1) Wrong placement of inter-hole

2) Inter-hole too big or too small

3) Internal partitioning

4) Poor and ineffective internal sound

Swiflets are like Glider plane they fly by gliding in the air. Glider plane can’t take sharp angle or they would hit the walls. This applied to all swiftlets. If the inter-holes are placed somehow away from their gliding path then they would avoid going down to the lower floors. Through my many years of experiences, I have studied and observed this flying behavior and often if they find difficulty in maneuver they would just flap their winds and circling few times and would avoid the inter-hole. If this happened it would be a major setback for the Bh.

Besides getting the inter-hole in the right place, its size also play a significant role. Too big means too much of light density that would penetrate into it if the inter-holes are located near the entrance. This would cause too much of brightness which dislike by birds. To reduce the brightness many have resorted to erect partitions at the same time maintaining the size of the inter-holes but if the partitions are built without taking consideration of the flying path then it would cause more harm than good.

Secondly for those inter-holes that are located away from the entrance that mean birds have to fly deeper into the Bh in order to get down to the Inter-hole. In such circumstances, it would be very dark and the inter-hole is much darker in contrast to the top floor. Bear in mind too dark is no good. Young swiflets that had yet to develop its echolocation may find it hard to fly into the inter-hole and would avoid it by all means. If this happened you may use a small light which is dim, not the normal florescent light otherwise it would defeat the whole purpose of the dim light which is to guide the birds to fly in and out of the inter-hole.

Anything has it setback. If the light is too bright the birds would be attracted to it and wouldn’t find it ways out. It may circle and circle at the light and eventually die of exhaustion. Though Swiftlets could use its echolocation to navigate in darkness but they too relied on find ray of light. If your farm is in total darkness then it is a big problem.

Besides this, in order to lure them to the lower floors the Internal sound of the Bh has to be extremely good quality. When I say good quality it means the internal sound should have a combination of babies, parents, young birds and birds that are in the mating mood, etc….so on in it. All these sounds should be played in clear planned combine sequences. Given any successful Bh if you have the chance to visit, no way that the original chirping sound of birds came from these Bhs are from only one bird or two birds. Often I found most internal sounds in the market are of such..1,2 or 3 birds singing perhaps some even in solo.

A good internal sound should have multiple birds’ tunes from the main sound to the back ground sounds all should be clearly heard. With good sound birds would clinch to the tweeters.

Internal tweeters should be installed at the inter-hole, at least 8 tweeters for a size of 6x6’.As the size of the inter-hole goes bigger, then the number of tweeters should increase too. A 45dg cross each other (tweeters) this is to pull the birds to fly into the inter-hole subsequently to the lower floor.

I use internal sound to pull/attract birds to the lower floor. Obviously there are many who use the external sound, bear in mind the external sound often too loud and it is off during the night. The internal sound has the hypnotic effect which creates an environment of farm that are full of birds and heavily populated with nests Thus birds would feel safe and could be easily lured into the lower floor.

The ground floor “the lower floor” should have its internal sound volume louder by 15% than the 1st floor and this applies to all floor as it goes. This would lure birds to build nests at the lowest floor for those farms that have difficulties in luring birds to the lowest floor.

If your Bh has all the nests built on the lowest floor then the strategies would be different. I shall write about that perhaps in my next post.

Good Swiftlet farming All


swifjames@yahoo.com .

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love Potion 在柬埔寨

今天早上我從柬埔寨的讀者收到了一封很有趣的電子郵件。 看来Love Potion是幫助了他的燕屋農場。 Love Potion不僅是在馬來西亞幫助了很多的燕屋農場,但是也帮助了在東南亞所有的燕屋農場。


我是非常的愉快要感謝您新的Love Potion。 我的燕屋農場开始操作差不多有一年半的时间了,但是只有少少的100隻燕子。 但是在使用了您強有力的Love Potion的兩個月之後,燕子的人口增長到现在差不多有超过300隻燕子。 我從我的一個朋友知道了您的Love Potion,他是從Klang那里买的。

另外一件事我还想要得到您的想法關於板條。 在优良品质自然的木板條沒有被处理过的和有被处理过的板條之間(從工廠烘乾的),哪一個是您的選擇和为什么?



当然,如果給了選擇,選擇一定是工廠烘乾與K.D设施的板條。 這是保證將來不会有青苔和真菌的问题,即使濕氣是一直經常高。 沒有100%被烘干的木板將有木板的氣味。 因此,必须确定您使用的板條是100%烘干的。

但是我懷疑許多工廠有這样的设施。 直接在太陽之下乾燥是不足够好的。 其次,木板的种类也起作用。 一些木板是有傾向长青苔的由于它有大的毛孔可以吸收潮濕。


供于參考,多數的燕屋農場(80-90%)在使用质量差的木板,在1-2年内將看見青苔或真菌的問題。 如果湿度是經常是高的90%,青苔和真菌将在6個月内出现。

不是因为大多數的燕屋主想要使用质量差的木板。 它是因為他們不知道也不瞭解关于好木板的重要性在燕屋農場。

問候 James




Monday, August 15, 2011


I’ve received an Interesting email this morning from a reader from Cambodia. It’s good to hear that Love Potion had helped his Bh. Love Potion had helped not only Swiftlet farms in Malaysia but all Bhs in South East Asia.

Dear James,

I am very happy to say thank you for your New Love Potion. My BH put into operation almost one and half year but I have less than 100 birds. But after only two month using your powerful Love Portion the bird population increase fast say around more than 300. I have known your Love Potion from one of my friend which he bought Love Potion from Klang.

One more thing I want your idea about wooden plank. Between good quality natural wooden nesting plank not treated and wooden plank treated (dried from factory), which one is the option and why?

Mr. Long

From Cambodia

On The Question on Nesting Planks:

Of cos if given a choice choose planks that are factory dried with K.D facilities. This would assure no mould and fungus in the future even if the humidity is constantly high at all times. Not 100% dried wood would have wood smell. So make sure the planks you use are 100% dried.

But I doubted many factories would have such facilities. Direct dry under the Sun is not good enough. Secondly the types of wood itself also play a part. Some woods are prone to fungus due to its large pores that absorb moist.

In definition, High quality hard woods have small pores and Poor quality ones have large pores.

High quality woods are heavy and often dark in color while poor quality ones are very lighter and have lighter color tone.

For your information most Bhs (80-90%) are using poor quality woods which would see fungus or mould problem within 1-2 years. If Rh is constantly high at 90% mould & fungus would appear within 6 months.

It is not that most Bh’s owners want to use the poor quality wood. It is because they didn’t know or understand about the importance of good wood in Swiftlet farm.



Good Swiftlet farming All!



Thursday, August 11, 2011


「James,是否可以使用超音波聲音,因為我的朋友時常鼓勵我使用」。 這就是我今天早上接到的sms。 這不是新的,我經常接到這樣的問題,他們想要知道关于在市場上可以找得到的超音波聲音。

應該怎麽說呢? 應該老實說,或者.....但是成實往往會影響到其他人的生意。

這並不是新鮮的事,我想多數的人已經知道這一樣東西很久了。 聲音是頻率,頻率是可以被調整的。 這又看看那個機器在製造的時候或者按装設備的時候是如何被調整間的。

我對超音波聲音唯一的憂慮是,它是真正地被調整到來適合燕子的頻率。 我講的是特殊类型的燕子。

就是A.fuchipugus fuchipugus。

如果哪個超音波聲音(頻率)沒有被適合的調整來給燕子,那么它的害處比好處更多。 我怀疑在市場上的超聲波声音测设备是為燕子而設的。


实际上,超音波聲音是與音響頻率相關的,它是在可以讓耳朵聽見的範圍之上,或者在大约20,000 hertz之上。 對於燕子,它們的回音定位是在這個範圍之下,因此我們可以聽見它們。

它是否行的通….它是另外一個大問題。 許多年前,如果我沒記錯或許4-5年前,超音波聲音已經在市場上了。 我的好朋友買了一套,然後要在一隻頭等燕子的區域試驗。 結果呢,沒有一只燕子來。 當他換回到普通Amp與同一個聲音和在短短幾分钟的時間,有上百只眼子在高音揚聲器的上面飛。


超音波聲音是否行的通並不是那么的重要。 使人擔心的是,如果超音波設備並沒有被正當地調整,它將對燕屋農場導致慘敗的作用。

它可能發出一些讓燕子煩惡的頻率。 实际上,一些害虫控制公司,比如像鴿子也是使用聲音頻率來驱散鳥的,因為在某些國家設陷井或殺害它們是被禁止的。





Ultrasonic Sound

“James is it Ok to use the Ultrasonic Sound as my friends encouraged me to use it”.

This is the Sms I received this morning. It is not new, I often receive question like this and they want to know about the Ultrasonic sound which is available in the market.

What should I say? To be sincere or …..Often sincerity would affect others people businesses.

This is not new I guess most have already known this for long time. Sound is frequency and frequency could be tuned and adjusted. It’s all depended on how the equipments being set during the manufacturing or assembling process.

The only worry that I had with the ultrasonic sound is that, has it been really tuned to the frequency that suit the Swiftlet. I mean the particular type of swiftlet which

is A.fuchipugus fuchipugus.

If the ultrasonic sound (frequency) is not tuned to suit the Swiftlet then it would do more harm than good. I doubted that the ultra sonic sound equipments available in the market are for the purpose of Swiftlet farming.

Basically it was brought in for other purposes and since there are people complaining about the loudness and Swiftlet sound pollution therefore those who knew about this capitalize on this niche business.

In fact Ultrasonic sound is or relating to acoustic frequencies above the range audible to the human ear, or above approximately 20,000 hertz. As for the swiftlet their echolocation is below this range therefore we could hear them.

Will it works….it is a big question. Many years ago if I could remember perhaps 4-5years ago the ultrasonic sound is already in the market. A buddy of mine took a set and tried out at a prime bird’s zone. The result, not a single birds came. He switched back to normal Amp with the same sound and within minute hundred of birds swapping above the tweeters.

He has not only tested it out on one particular area buy many different areas all over country as he has many Bhs and the results were the same.

Whether the ultrasonic sound works or not is not so important. The worry is that if the Ultrasonic equipment use is tuned wrongly it would cause disastrous effect to Bh.

It may produce some frequency that disliked by birds. In fact pest control companies for birds like Pigeon use sound frequency to chase away birds, because in some countries trapping and killing them is prohibited.

Imagine if you have bought a set of such Ultrasonic equipment and use in your Bh what would happen?

Good Swiftlet farming all



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Hexagonal Tweeters 新的六角形高音揚聲器

New Durable Hexagonal Tweeters in complete set. Consists of high quality wire, pole and 2 bracket for locking onto the roof. All in one price.

新的完整一套耐久的六角形的高音揚聲器。 包括高品质的電線、鐵杆和2個腳可以鎖在屋頂上的。 完整的一套只在一個價格。

Hexagonal type ( NC-10), 6 pcs of Nx-10 tweeters. With Allen key lock nuts for heavy duty. Metal box construction with powder coated paint for corrosion resistant.

六角型的(NC-10), 有6個Nx-10的高音揚聲器。 有耐用的Allen鎖。 鉄的箱子被塗上粉漆還可以防腐蝕的。

Square type ( NC-16), 4 pcs Pz-16 Motorola quality tweeters. Same heavy duty construction as NC-10.

另外一種,正方形的(NC-16), 有4個Pz-16 Motorola品質的高音揚聲器。好像NC-10一樣耐用的材料。

Both come with adjustable 5ft steel pole.


Free 35 ft high quality speaker wire.

還有免費的35 ft長的高品质的喇叭的電線。

These tweeters can really blast the sound out to reach few km. The price?.......very reasonable

這些高音揚聲器真正地可以響破聲音到達幾公里遠。 價格呢?.......非常合理

For more info you may call me: 012-3173811

需要更多的信息您可以打電話給我: 012-3173811


Good Swiftlet farming All!



另外一封很有趣的電子郵件從讀者询问關於測試聲音的忠告…實際上,他已經知道壓力聲音無疑地是地點測試的最佳聲音,但是他仍然不信任自己。 以下就是從K.先生的電子郵件。

我的忠告對於那些想測試燕子的人請坚持基本。 在燕屋農場裏我們不需要花梢的想法(從測試燕子到燕屋農場的建築)。我們想要的是結果和想法,而不是那些不能运作又花梢的想法,僅僅只是爲了滿足其他人的觀點。 我想這一點對於想要做燕子測試的那些人是很有用的。



如果我使用外聲音來进行燕子測試,那些燕子會被吸引到嗎? 老實說,我有試過使用外聲音來測試燕子群,但是它似乎沒有壓力聲音那麽好的一樣。 只是有幾只燕子環繞在聲音的附近。 這是否正常的? 要不然,應該使用什麼外聲音在燕屋農場? 需要您的專門技術和忠告。





您已經有答復了,為什麼還要問呢? 您已經知道壓力音聲是為了測試,那您為什麼還想使用外聲音呢?






由于某些人提及使用壓力聲音的結果也許不是那么的準確的。 另外一個選擇就是使用外聲音,因爲更加有效。 這個方法將大致可以告诉您有多少隻燕子將飛入您的燕屋農場,當您開始播放聲音的時候。 那就是我希望可以得到的忠告來確認。


問候, K

*記錄: 有多少隻燕子將飛入到您的燕屋農場,就要看看您燕屋農場的設計,燕屋農場的大小和入口孔的地點,外聲或內聲的种类和高音揚聲器的种类,安置高音揚聲器等等。 這不會更加有邏輯嗎?*




Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birds Test With Stress Sound.

Another Interesting email from a reader asking advice on sound testing...In fact he already knew that the Stress sound is undoubtedly the best sound for location testing and yet he couldn’t trust himself. Well below is the email from Mr. K.

My advice for those who wanted to conduct birds test please stick to the basic. In Swiftlet farming we don’t need fancy ideas (from sound testing to Bh construction).What we want are results and ideas that work not fancy ideas that merely for satisfying others people opinion. I guess this would be useful for those who wanted to do a birds test

Email from Mr.K

Hi James,

If I use external sound to conduct bird test, will the swiftlet attracted? Frankly speaking, I have tried with external sound to test bird population but it seems like not as good as Stress sound. Just a few birds cycling around the sound. Is it normal? Or else, what external sound must use at BH? Need your expertise to advice.



My reply

Dear Mr.K,

You already have the answer yourself why still ask? U already knew stress sound is for testing why wanted to use external sound?

"Frankly speaking, I have tried with external sound to test bird population but it seems like not as good Stress sound."

Thank you


Email from Mr.K again

Hi James,

Because some people mentioning that the result of stress sound might be not so accurate. Other alternative more effective which is used external sound. This method will roughly tell you how many birds will fly to your BH when start to play the sound. That why I would like to seek for advice for confirmation.




*Note: How many Birds would fly to the Bh when operated that would rely on how the Bh have been designed, the size and the location of the entrance hole, the type of External/Internal sound and tweeters use, the positioning of the tweeters and so on. Wouldn’t this is more logical?*

Good Swiftlet Farming All!



Monday, August 8, 2011


以下是一個很有趣的電子郵件從我的讀者寄來的。 我把它長貼在這裡,因為我相信這個電子郵件將幫助那些左右為难,而不知應該听誰或跟隨誰的人。其實它是很簡單的,我总是提醒那些燕屋主,“你自己眼看爲實,然後通过知道事實才來做評斷“。 因此決定完全是由你做主的。 讓我們來讀一下:



我聽見其中一位在沙撈越的所謂的顧問告诉我您的Hypnotic-5催眠5純粹是交配的聲音,他也說您的兩個聲音GS-9和Hypnotic-5催眠5只是适合用于西馬。 我完全不同意他的講法,因為我正在使用您的催眠5和GS-9在我的燕屋農場,而且燕窩是建造在內部的高音揚聲器之上的,在短短的2個多月的操作。 但是由於我的燕屋農場是合夥的燕屋農場。 在我的夥伴听那個所謂的“顧問“的話,他堅持的把內部聲音換成另外一個其他的內部聲音。

這就是我寫這封電子郵件的原因,我要您核實那個"顧問" 說的話是正確的,還是他亂談胡話。

請給我忠告。 谢谢。

問候, W…


我想您已經有了答復。 我可以看到您在燕屋農場這個行業有很光明的前途,因爲您有很尖銳的觀察能力。

我不相信光談。 我总是告訴我的追隨者跟隨他們可以看到的東西。 " 眼見為實" 我們要的是單村的結果和實際,而不是開口講空話。

在您的情况下,您已經看見有燕窩被修造在高音揚聲器的頂部。 您還需要我解釋什麼呢? 聼別人說更加準確還是您自己目擊? 如果我是您,我根本不會寫這封電子郵件來問,因為您已經有了具體的證據。








You Know it Yourself "Don't Listen See it Yourself"

Below is an interesting email from my readers. I am posting it here because I believe that this email would help those who is in a dilemma to who they should listen to or follow. It is simple as I always remind all fellows swiftlet farmers " see it yourself and make judgement by knowing the fact". So the decision is solely yours. Lets read below:

Hi Mr James,

I’m Mr. W… from Sarawak. I’m writing this email because I need your info regarding your hypnotic-5 internal sound.

I heard one of the so called consultants at Sarawak here telling me that youur hypnotic-5 is purely sound of mating and he said both of youur GS-9 and Hypnotic-5 is only suitable for West M'sia. I’m strongly disagreed with him because I’m using both of your hypnotic-5 and GS-9 at my BH which the nests build on top the internal tweeters after 2 months of operation. But because of my BH is JV BH. After my BH partner listened to what the "consultant" said, he insisted to change the internal sound to some other internal sound.

That’s the reason for me to write this email to verify with you whether what the "consultant" said is correct or he is talking nonsense.

Sorry, because I’m a newbie in Swiftlet farming, so I need information and advice from you.

Please advice. Thanks.



Dear Mr. W…,

You already have the answer yourself. I could see you have a great future in Swiftlet farming because of your sharp observation.

I don't believe in talk. I always ask my followers to follow what they can see. "Seeing is believing" and we want pure result and actual fact not talk.

In your case you already saw nests built on top of the tweeters. What more you want me to explain?

Heard from someone is more accurate or you witnessed it yourself? If I were you I won't email and ask at all because you already have a concrete evidence.

Good swiftlet farming.



Good Swiftlet farming All!



Love Potion與幾千個燕窩的燕屋農場

這是一個在Setiawan非常成功的燕屋農場,它是屬於D先生的。 他已經連續地使用Love Potion有兩三年的時間了。

當他接管這個燕屋農場的時候,燕窩的数量是不到今天的一半。 這個燕屋農場也是我的好朋友Harry先生帶他的小組到Setiawan觀看的燕屋農場,他們称它為機千個燕窩的燕屋農場,一生之中難以見到,一個必看的燕屋農場。

這些照片是在收穫之後拍的,所以您只能看到在板條上的許多燕窩標記。 D先生是在每個收穫之後或在收穫之間要促進燕窩的數量的時候使用Love Potion的。

這些不是最新的照片。 我一直保留這些照片在我的照片庫,直到今天早上,當我尋找照片時,被我踫到這些照片。 到目前,燕窩的数量增加到一個難以相信的水平。 直到今天這個燕屋農場仍然很有規則的在每2個星期使用Love Potion,並且他們將继续使用因爲這樣做將使燕窩的数量继续增加。

這個燕屋農場使用的是优良品质的板條。 您可以看它的顏色是棕色的。 它的濕氣是很高的,但是卻沒有青苔的問題。

一個完善的燕屋農場。 有擁有一個這樣的燕屋農場並不是很艱苦的。 我打賭您也可以做得到。 記住,一定要使用好的芳香或激素,使用好的聲音、使用好的板條、有好的屋内環境控制、好的燕屋農場設計等等。

燕屋農場的另外一個部分。 我們称它為Love Potion燕屋農場。 如果我沒記錯,之前我有張貼過其中一些照片在我早先的文章。

請慢慢享受照片。 " 不要忘記如果您要您的燕屋農場有改進,您應該使用Love Potion"。




Saturday, August 6, 2011

Few Thousand Nests With Love Potion

This is a very successful Swiftlet farm in Setiawan and it belongs to Mr.D. It has been using Love Potion continuously for couple of years.

When he took over this farm the number of nests was less than half of what it is today. This is the Bh that my good buddy Mr.Harry told his group to Setiawan to view they called it the few thousand nests Swiftlet farm and once in a life must see Swiftlet farm.

These pictures were taken just after harvesting therefore you could see many marks on the planks. Mr. D use Love potion after every harvest and between harvest to boost up the nests growth.

These are not the latest pictures. I had kept them in my picture library and this morning while looking for some pictures I stumbled on it. Currently the number of nests has increased to an unbelievable level.

Till today this Swiftlet farm is still using Love Potion on regular basic every 2 weeks and it would continue to do so as the number of nests keeps increasing.

This Swiftlet farm uses good quality planks. As you could see the color is brown. Its humidity is high but free from fungus.

Perfect Swiftlet farm. It is not that hard to own a Swiftlet farm like this. I bet you could do it too. Remember, use Good Aroma/Hormone, use good sound, use good planks, good micro control, good farm design,etc

Another section of the farm. We call it the Love Potion Swiftlet farm. I have posted some of these pictures in my previous post before if I could remember.

Enjoy the pictures. "Do not forget if you want your Bh to improve you should use Love Potion". .

Good Swiftlet farming All!


Thousand Swiftlets

swiftlet farming-James

Revamped Bh -With Gs Sound

Swiftlet Sound GS

Swiftlet Farming


New Swiftlet Farm wth GS-9 Ext sound. Video recorded 5 minute after sound switched on

Good External Sound of a SWIFTLET FARM

GEZILLION STAR External Sound Call 012-317 3811

2 years Old Swiftlets Farm

Classic Video from a Good friend of mine "SeeSeng". Taken 4 yrs ago.

Bird Test With the Powerful Bird Test Kit (Stress Sound) Attracts birds within 30 seconds